Bogdan Necula
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Cited by
In vitro antibacterial activity of porous TiO2–Ag composite layers against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
BS Necula, LE Fratila-Apachitei, SAJ Zaat, I Apachitei, J Duszczyk
Acta Biomaterialia 5 (9), 3573-3580, 2009
In vitro cytotoxicity evaluation of porous TiO2–Ag antibacterial coatings for human fetal osteoblasts
BS Necula, J Van Leeuwen, LE Fratila-Apachitei, SAJ Zaat, I Apachitei, ...
Acta biomaterialia 8 (11), 4191-4197, 2012
An electron microscopical study on the growth of TiO2–Ag antibacterial coatings on Ti6Al7Nb biomedical alloy
BS Necula, I Apachitei, FD Tichelaar, LE Fratila-Apachitei, J Duszczyk
Acta Biomaterialia 7 (6), 2751-2757, 2011
Enrichment of anodic MgO layers with Ag nanoparticles for biomedical applications
BS Necula, LE Fratila-Apachitei, A Berkani, I Apachitei, J Duszczyk
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 20, 339-345, 2009
Stability of nano-/microsized particles in deionized water and electroless nickel solutions
BS Necula, I Apachitei, LE Fratila-Apachitei, C Teodosiu, J Duszczyk
Journal of colloid and interface science 314 (2), 514-522, 2007
Biofunctional surfaces by plasma electrolytic oxidation on titanium biomedical alloys
SA Yavari, BS Necula, LE Fratila-Apachitei, J Duszczyk, I Apachitei
Surface Engineering 32 (6), 411-417, 2016
Titanium bone implants with superimposed micro/nano-scale porosity and antibacterial capability
BS Necula, I Apachitei, LE Fratila-Apachitei, EJ Van Langelaan, ...
Applied surface science 273, 310-314, 2013
Release of PLGA–encapsulated dexamethasone from microsphere loaded porous surfaces
GJS Dawes, LE Fratila-Apachitei, BS Necula, I Apachitei, GJ Witkamp, ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 21, 215-221, 2010
Effects of dexamethasone-loaded PLGA microspheres on human fetal osteoblasts
GJS Dawes, LE Fratila-Apachitei, BS Necula, I Apachitei, J Van Leeuwen, ...
Journal of Biomaterials Applications 27 (4), 477-483, 2012
S. a J. Zaat, I. Apachitei, J. Duszczyk
BS Necula
vitro antibacterial activity of porous TiO2—Ag composite layers against …, 2009
Silver-based antibacterial surfaces for bone implants
BS Necula
Antibacterial effect of Ag nanoparticles embedded in a porous Ti6Al7Nb surface.
BS Necula, EL Fratila-Apachitei, SAJ Zaat, I Apachitei, J Duszczyk
Euro PM2009: International Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition …, 2009
Ti6Al7Nb-based medical combination device for orthopedic applications
BS Necula, LE Fratila-Apachitei, I Apachitei, J Zhou, J Duszczyk
Delft University of Technology, Department of Materials Science and …, 2008
Antibacterial TiO2-Ag surfaces and their cytotoxicity to human osteoblast cells
BS Necula, EL Fratila-Apachitei, J van Leeuwen, SAJ Zaat, I Apachitei, ...
4th BME 2013, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 2013
Loading and distribution of Ag nanoparticles in porous Ti02 antibacterial layers
BS Necula, I Apachitei, SAJ Zaat, EL Fratila-Apachitei, MA Leeflang, ...
EURO PM2012, 217-222, 2012
Preosteoblasts response to Ti6Al7Nb surfaces modfied by plasma electrolytic oxidation
N de Groot, J van Leeuwen, BS Necula, EL Fratila-Apachitei, J Duszczyk
20th EORS 2012, 1-2, 2012
PM Biomaterials: Loading and Distribution of Ag Nanoparticles in Porous Tio2 Antibacterial Layers
BS Necula, I Apachitei, SAJ Zaat, LE Fratila-Apachitei, MA Leeflang, ...
European Congress and Exhibition on Powder Metallurgy. European PM …, 2012
Bone cell viability and antibacterial efficacy of porous TiO2-Ag coatings.
BS Necula, EL Fratila-Apachitei, J van Leeuwen, SAJ Zaat, I Apachitei, ...
European Cells & Materials 21 (2), 15-15, 2011
Effects of microporous Ti6Al7Nb surfaces on the in vitro bone cells response
B Necula, L Fratila-Apachitei, H van Leeuwen, I Apachitei, J Duszczyk
PM Biomaterials: Effects of Microporous Ti6Al7Nb Surfaces on the In Vitro Bone Cells Response
BS Necula, LE Fratila-Apachitei, H van Leeuwen, I Apachitei, J Duszczyk
European Congress and Exhibition on Powder Metallurgy. European PM …, 2010
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Articles 1–20