Frank Piller
Frank Piller
Andre navneFrank T. Piller
Professor of Technology & Innovation Mgmt, RWTH Aachen University
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Citeret af
Interaktive Wertschöpfung: Open Innovation, Individualisierung und neue Formen der Arbeitsteilung
R Reichwald, F Piller
Gabler: Wiesbaden, 2009
Toolkits for idea competitions: a novel method to integrate users in new product development
FT Piller, D Walcher
R&D management 36 (3), 307-318, 2006
The open innovation research landscape: Established perspectives and emerging themes across different levels of analysis
M Bogers, AK Zobel, A Afuah, E Almirall, S Brunswicker, L Dahlander, ...
Industry and Innovation 24 (1), 8-40, 2017
Value Creation by Toolkits for User Innovation and Design: The Case of the Watch Market
N Franke, F Piller
Journal of Product Innovation Management 21 (6), 401-415, 2004
Economic Implications of 3D printing: Market structure models in light of additive manufacturing revisited
C Weller, R Kleer, FT Piller
International Journal of Production Economics 164 (June 2015), 43–56, 2015
Collective Customer Commitment: Reducing the risks of new product development
S Ogawa, FT Piller
MIT Sloan Management Review 47 (2 (Winter)), 65-72, 2006
Product variety management
H ElMaraghy, G Schuh, W ElMaraghy, F Piller, P Schönsleben, M Tseng, ...
Cirp Annals 62 (2), 629-652, 2013
Cracking the Code of Mass Customization
F Salvador, PM De Holan, F Piller
Sloan Management Review 50 (3 (Spring)), 70-79, 2009
The Customer Centric Enterprise: Advantages in Mass Customization & Personalizaton
MM Tseng, FT Piller
The customer centric enterprise, 2003
Predicting the future of additive manufacturing: A Delphi study on economic and societal implications of 3D printing for 2030
R Jiang, R Kleer, FT Piller
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 117, 84-97, 2017
Mass Customization: Ein wettbewerbsstrategisches Konzept im Informationszeitalter (4te Auflage)
FT Piller
Gabler: Wiesbaden, 2006
Does mass customization pay? An economic approach to evaluate customer integration
FT Piller, K Moeslein, CM Stotko
Production planning & control 15 (4), 435-444, 2004
Mass customization: reflections on the state of the concept
FT Piller
International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 16 (4), 313-334, 2004
From Social Media to Social Product Development: The Impact of Social Media on Co-Creation of Innovation
F Piller, A Vossen, C Ihl
Die Unternehmung 66 (1 (March 2012)), 7-27, 2012
Linking strategic flexibility and operational efficiency: The mediating role of ambidextrous operational capabilities
S Kortmann, C Gelhard, C Zimmermann, FT Piller
Journal of Operations Management 32 (7-8), 475-490, 2014
Overcoming Mass Confusion: Collaborative Customer Co‐Design in Online Communities
F Piller, P Schubert, M Koch, K Möslein
Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication 10 (4), 00-00, 2005
Key research issues in user interaction with user toolkits in a mass customisation system
N Franke, FT Piller
International Journal of Technology Management 26 (5-6), 578-599, 2003
Kundenindividuelle Massenproduktion: Die Wettbewerbsstrategie der Zukunft
FT Piller
Hanser, 1998
Opening the Black Box of" Not-Invented-Here": Attitudes, Decision Biases, and Behavioral Consequences
D Antons, F Piller
The Academy of Management Perspectives 29 (2), 193-217, 2015
Mass customization
FT Piller
Handbuch Produktmanagement: Strategieentwicklung—Produktplanung …, 2000
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