Henrik Baktoft
Henrik Baktoft
DTU Aqua
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Big-data approaches lead to an increased understanding of the ecology of animal movement
R Nathan, CT Monk, R Arlinghaus, T Adam, J Alós, M Assaf, H Baktoft, ...
Science 375 (6582), eabg1780, 2022
Sizing up your enemy: individual predation vulnerability predicts migratory probability
C Skov, H Baktoft, J Brodersen, C Brönmark, BB Chapman, LA Hansson, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1710), 1414-1418, 2011
Causes of mortality of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) smolts in a restored river and its estuary
A Koed, H Baktoft, BD Bak
River research and applications 22 (1), 69-78, 2006
Positioning of aquatic animals based on time-of-arrival and random walk models using YAPS (Yet Another Positioning Solver)
H Baktoft, KØ Gjelland, F Økland, UH Thygesen
Scientific reports 7 (1), 14294, 2017
The Physiological Basis of the Migration Continuum in Brown Trout (Salmo trutta)
M Boel, K Aarestrup, H Baktoft, T Larsen, S Søndergaard Madsen, ...
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 87 (2), 334-345, 2014
Migration confers survival benefits against avian predators for partially migratory freshwater fish
C Skov, BB Chapman, H Baktoft, J Brodersen, C Brönmark, LA Hansson, ...
Biology letters 9 (2), 20121178, 2013
The effects of hydrodynamics on the three-dimensional downstream migratory movement of Atlantic salmon
AT Silva, KM Bærum, RD Hedger, H Baktoft, HP Fjeldstad, KØ Gjelland, ...
Science of the Total Environment 705, 135773, 2020
River connectivity reestablished: E ffects and implications of six weir removals on brown trout smolt migration
K Birnie‐Gauvin, MM Candee, H Baktoft, MH Larsen, A Koed, K Aarestrup
River Research and Applications 34 (6), 548-554, 2018
Effect of boat noise and angling on lake fish behaviour
L Jacobsen, H Baktoft, N Jepsen, K Aarestrup, S Berg, C Skov
Journal of Fish Biology 84 (6), 1768-1780, 2014
Comparison of the riverine and early marine migration behaviour and survival of wild and hatchery-reared sea trout Salmo trutta smolts
K Aarestrup, H Baktoft, A Koed, D del Villar-Guerra, EB Thorstad
Marine Ecology Progress Series 496, 197-206, 2014
Seasonal and diel effects on the activity of northern pike studied by high‐resolution positional telemetry
H Baktoft, K Aarestrup, S Berg, M Boel, L Jacobsen, N Jepsen, A Koed, ...
Ecology of freshwater fish 21 (3), 386-394, 2012
Genetic analyses reveal complex dynamics within a marine fish management area
J Hemmer‐Hansen, K Hüssy, H Baktoft, B Huwer, D Bekkevold, H Haslob, ...
Evolutionary Applications 12 (4), 830-844, 2019
Influences of environmental cues, migration history, and habitat familiarity on partial migration
C Skov, K Aarestrup, H Baktoft, J Brodersen, C Brönmark, LA Hansson, ...
Behavioral Ecology 21 (6), 1140-1146, 2010
Redefining the oceanic distribution of Atlantic salmon
AH Rikardsen, D Righton, JF Strøm, EB Thorstad, P Gargan, T Sheehan, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 12266, 2021
Insights into the users of a citizen science platform for collecting recreational fisheries data
C Gundelund, R Arlinghaus, H Baktoft, K Hyder, P Venturelli, C Skov
Fisheries Research 229, 105597, 2020
Performance assessment of two whole-lake acoustic positional telemetry systems-is reality mining of free-ranging aquatic animals technologically possible?
H Baktoft, P Zajicek, T Klefoth, JC Svendsen, L Jacobsen, MW Pedersen, ...
PLoS One 10 (5), e0126534, 2015
Cormorant predation on PIT-tagged lake fish
C Skov, N Jepsen, H Baktoft, T Jansen, S Pedersen, A Koed
Journal of Limnology 73 (1), 177-186, 2014
Survival and progression rates of anadromous brown trout kelts Salmo trutta during downstream migration in freshwater and at sea
K Aarestrup, H Baktoft, EB Thorstad, JC Svendsen, J Höjesjö, A Koed
Marine Ecology Progress Series 535, 185-195, 2015
actel: Standardised analysis of acoustic telemetry data from animals moving through receiver arrays.
H Flávio, H Baktoft, E Codling
Methods in Ecology & Evolution 12 (1), 2021
Investigating the phenology of seaward migration of juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) in two European populations
ER Winter, JS Tummers, K Aarestrup, H Baktoft, MC Lucas
Hydrobiologia 775, 139-151, 2016
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