Hannes Saal
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Cited by
Spatial and temporal codes mediate the tactile perception of natural textures
AI Weber, HP Saal, JD Lieber, JW Cheng, LR Manfredi, JF Dammann III, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (42), 17107-17112, 2013
Touch is a team effort: interplay of submodalities in cutaneous sensibility
HP Saal, SJ Bensmaia
Trends in neurosciences 37 (12), 689-697, 2014
The neural basis of perceived intensity in natural and artificial touch
EL Graczyk, MA Schiefer, HP Saal, BP Delhaye, SJ Bensmaia, DJ Tyler
Science translational medicine 8 (362), 362ra142-362ra142, 2016
Tactile innervation densities across the whole body
G Corniani, HP Saal
Journal of Neurophysiology 124 (4), 1229-1240, 2020
Simulating tactile signals from the whole hand with millisecond precision
HP Saal, BP Delhaye, BC Rayhaun, SJ Bensmaia
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (28), E5693-E5702, 2017
Natural scenes in tactile texture
LR Manfredi, HP Saal, KJ Brown, MC Zielinski, JF Dammann III, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 111 (9), 1792-1802, 2014
Millisecond Precision Spike Timing Shapes Tactile Perception
EL Mackevicius, MD Best, HP Saal, SJ Bensmaia
The Journal of Neuroscience 32 (44), 15309-15317, 2012
Biomimetic approaches to bionic touch through a peripheral nerve interface
HP Saal, SJ Bensmaia
Neuropsychologia 79, 344-353, 2015
Multiplexing stimulus information through rate and temporal codes in primate somatosensory cortex
MA Harvey, HP Saal, JF Dammann III, SJ Bensmaia
PLoS biology 11 (5), e1001558, 2013
Kinematics of unconstrained tactile texture exploration
T Callier, HP Saal, EC Davis-Berg, SJ Bensmaia
Journal of neurophysiology 113 (7), 3013-3020, 2015
Importance of spike timing in touch: an analogy with hearing?
HP Saal, X Wang, SJ Bensmaia
Current opinion in neurobiology 40, 142-149, 2016
Rate and timing of cortical responses driven by separate sensory channels
HP Saal, MA Harvey, SJ Bensmaia
Elife 4, e10450, 2015
Information about complex fingertip parameters in individual human tactile afferent neurons
HP Saal, S Vijayakumar, RS Johansson
The Journal of Neuroscience 29 (25), 8022, 2009
Speed invariance of tactile texture perception
ZM Boundy-Singer, HP Saal, SJ Bensmaia
Journal of neurophysiology 118 (4), 2371-2377, 2017
Active estimation of object dynamics parameters with tactile sensors
HP Saal, JA Ting, S Vijayakumar
2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2010
Similar somatotopy for active and passive digit representation in primary somatosensory cortex
ZB Sanders, H Dempsey‐Jones, DB Wesselink, LR Edmondson, ...
Human Brain Mapping 44 (9), 3568-3585, 2023
Key considerations in designing a somatosensory neuroprosthesis
BP Delhaye, HP Saal, SJ Bensmaia
Journal of Physiology-Paris 110 (4), 402-408, 2016
The DLR touch sensor I: A flexible tactile sensor for robotic hands based on a crossed-wire approach
MW Strohmayr, HP Saal, AH Potdar, P van der Smagt
2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2010
Edge orientation signals in tactile afferents of macaques
AK Suresh, HP Saal, SJ Bensmaia
Journal of Neurophysiology 116 (6), 2647-2655, 2016
Active sequential learning with tactile feedback
H Saal, JA Ting, S Vijayakumar
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Articles 1–20