Jacob A Andrews
Jacob A Andrews
Research Fellow, University of Nottingham
Verificeret mail på nottingham.ac.uk
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Citeret af
Older adults’ perspectives on using digital technology to maintain good mental health: interactive group study
JA Andrews, LJE Brown, MS Hawley, AJ Astell
Journal of medical Internet research 21 (2), e11694, 2019
Using the NANA toolkit at home to predict older adults’ future depression
JA Andrews, RF Harrison, LJE Brown, LM MacLean, F Hwang, T Smith, ...
Journal of affective disorders 213, 187-190, 2017
From Social Network to Peer Support Network: Opportunities to Explore Mechanisms of Online Peer Support for Mental Health
A Rayland, J Andrews
JMIR Mental Health 10, e41855, 2023
Health Care Professionals’ Views on Using Remote Measurement Technology in Managing Central Nervous System Disorders: Qualitative Interview Study
JA Andrews, MP Craven, J Jamnadas-Khoda, AR Lang, R Morriss, ...
Journal of Medical Internet Research 22 (7), e17414, 2020
The impact of data from remote measurement technology on the clinical practice of healthcare professionals in depression, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis: survey
JA Andrews, MP Craven, AR Lang, B Guo, R Morriss, C Hollis
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 21 (1), 1-17, 2021
Informing the development of a digital health platform through universal points of care: Qualitative survey study
MP Craven, JA Andrews, AR Lang, SK Simblett, S Bruce, S Thorpe, ...
JMIR formative research 4 (11), e22756, 2020
Technology for Early Detection of Depression and Anxiety in Older People.
JA Andrews, AJ Astell, LJE Brown, RF Harrison, MS Hawley
AAATE Conf., 374-380, 2017
Healthcare practitioner views and experiences of patients self-monitoring blood pressure: a vignette study
JA Andrews, K Weiner, CM Will, F Henwood, JM Dickson
BJGP open 4 (5), 2020
COBALT, TUNGSTEN, and THAW: New tools for engaging older adults as technology experts
AJ Astell, J Andrews, M Bennion, D Clayton, E Dove, M Ellis, F Hwang, ...
Gerontechnology 17 (76), 076.00, 2018
Making remote measurement technology work in multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and depression: survey of healthcare professionals
JA Andrews, MP Craven, AR Lang, B Guo, R Morriss, C Hollis
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 22 (1), 1-13, 2022
Technology for Healthy Ageing and Well-being (THAW): Co-producing solutions
A Astell, JA Andrews, M Bennion, D Clayton
Frontiers in Psychology, 5571, 2021
Developing an Automated Assessment of In-session Patient Activation for Psychological Therapy: Codevelopment Approach
S Malins, G Figueredo, T Jilani, Y Long, J Andrews, M Rawsthorne, ...
JMIR Medical Informatics 10 (11), e38168, 2022
Applying digital technology to the prediction of depression and anxiety in older adults
JA Andrews
University of Sheffield, 2018
ExTRA: Explainable Therapy-Related Annotations
M Rawsthorne, T Jilani, J Andrews, Y Long, J Clos, S Malins, D Hunt
2nd Workshop on Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable …, 2020
The Logics of Invited and Uninvited Material Participation: Bringing Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Into the Clinic
K Weiner, F Henwood, J Andrews, C Will, R Williams
Science & Technology Studies, 2022
Involving psychological therapy stakeholders in responsible research to develop an automated feedback tool: Learnings from the ExTRAPPOLATE project
JA Andrews, M Rawsthorne, C Manolescu, MB McFaul, B French, E Rye, ...
Journal of Responsible Technology, 100044, 2022
Clinical Perspectives on Using Remote Measurement Technology in Assessing Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, and Depression: Delphi Study
JA Andrews, MP Craven, B Guo, J Weyer, S Lees, SI Zormpas, SE Thorpe, ...
JMIR Neurotechnology 2 (1), e41439, 2023
Healthcare professional views of implementing remote measurement technology in central nervous system disorders: A qualitative interview study (Preprint)
J Andrews, MP Craven, J Jamnadas-Khoda, AR Lang, R Morriss, C Hollis
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2019
Applications of Natural Language Processing in Mental Health, Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Conditions: A Scoping Review
J Andrews, M Craven
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