Grace Handley
Cited by
Cited by
Barriers and Bias: The Status of Women in Leadership.
C Hill, K Miller, K Benson, G Handley
American Association of University Women, 2016
Genome analysis of three Pneumocystis species reveals adaptation mechanisms to life exclusively in mammalian hosts
L Ma, Z Chen, DW Huang, G Kutty, M Ishihara, H Wang, A Abouelleil, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10740, 2016
β-Glucans Are Masked but Contribute to Pulmonary Inflammation During Pneumocystis Pneumonia
G Kutty, AS Davis, GA Ferreyra, J Qiu, DW Huang, M Sassi, L Bishop, ...
The Journal of Infectious Diseases 214 (5), 782-791, 2016
An examination of gender differences in the American Fisheries Society peer-review process
G Handley, CM Frantz, PM Kocovsky, DR DeVries, SJ Cooke, J Claussen
Fisheries 40 (9), 442-451, 2015
Perceiving social injustice during arrests of Black and White civilians by White police officers: An fMRI investigation
TP Dang, BD Mattan, DM Barth, G Handley, J Cloutier, JT Kubota
NeuroImage 255, 119153, 2022
Interracial contact differentially shapes brain networks involved in social and non-social judgments from faces: a combination of univariate and multivariate approaches
G Handley, J Kubota, J Cloutier
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 17 (2), 218-230, 2022
Impact of interracial contact on inferring mental states from facial expressions
G Handley, JT Kubota, T Li, J Cloutier
Royal Society Open Science 8 (7), 202137, 2021
Black “Reading the Mind in the Eyes” task: The development of a task assessing mentalizing from black faces
G Handley, JT Kubota, T Li, J Cloutier
PloS one 14 (9), e0221867, 2019
Reading the mind in the eyes of Black and White people: Interracial contact and perceived race affects brain activity when inferring mental states
G Handley, JT Kubota, J Cloutier
NeuroImage 269, 119910, 2023
Social justice neuroscience, a valuable and complex endeavor: Authors' reply to commentaries on “Perceiving social injustice during arrests of Black and White civilians by …
JT Kubota, TP Dang, BD Mattan, DM Barth, G Handley, J Cloutier
NeuroImage 255, 119155, 2022
Self-graded homework helps students learn and promotes accurate metacognition.
G Handley, A Lebed, B Morling
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology 10 (3), 296, 2024
Status, Group Membership, and Evaluative Judgments: Psychological and Biological Influences on Explicit Biases
G Handley
University of Delaware, 2023
Testing how interracial contact shapes race perception using reverse correlation image classification
G Handley, A Chandran, JT Kubota, J Cloutier
OSF, 2019
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Articles 1–13