Rafael Coronel, PhD
Rafael Coronel, PhD
Researcher, University of São Paulo/EESC
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Cited by
In-flight collision avoidance controller based only on OS4 embedded sensors
M Becker, RCB Sampaio, S Bouabdallah, V Perrot, R Siegwart
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 34 …, 2012
A new control architecture for robust controllers in rear electric traction passenger HEVs
RCB Sampaio, AC Hernandes, VVM do Valle, M Fernandes, M Becker, ...
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 61 (8), 3441-3453, 2012
Novel hybrid electric motor glider-quadrotor MAV for in-flight/V-STOL launching
RCB Sampaio, AC Hernandes, M Becker, FM Catalano, F Zanini, ...
2014 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-12, 2014
FVMS: A novel SiL approach on the evaluation of controllers for autonomous MAV
RCB Sampaio, M Becker, AAG Siqueira, LW Freschi, MP Montanher
2013 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-8, 2013
FVMS software-in-the-loop flight simulation experiments: Guidance, navigation and control
R Rodrigues, RCB Sampaio, AP Aguiar, M Becker
2014 Joint Conference on Robotics: SBR-LARS Robotics Symposium and …, 2014
Novel SiL evaluation of an optimal Hcontroller on the stability of a MAV in flight simulator
RCB Sampaio, M Becker, AAG Siqueira, LW Freschi, MP Montanher
2013 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-8, 2013
Robust control in 4× 4 hybrid-converted touring vehicles during urban speed steering maneuvers
RCB Sampaio, M Becker, VL Lemos, AAG Siqueira, J Ribeiro, ...
2010 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 1-6, 2010
Mechatronic servo system applied to a simulated-based autothrottle module
RCB Sampaio, M Becker
20th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 1-10, 2009
Optimal Hcontroller on the stability of MAVs in a novel Software-in-the-Loop control platform
RCB Sampaio, M Becker, AAG Siqueira, LW Freschi, MP Montanher
2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 146-151, 2013
HELVIS: A mini platform in the research of HEVs
RCB Sampaio, VVM Fernades, M Becker
2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 1-5, 2011
SquidCop: Design and evaluation of a novel quadrotor MAV for in-flight launching air-to-ground missions
RCB Sampaio, AC Hernandes, M Becker, FM Catalano, F Zanini, ...
2014 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-10, 2014
Optimal Hcontroller with a novel control architecture in the HELVIS mini-HEV EDS
RCB Sampaio, VVM Fernandes, M Becker, AAG Siqueira
2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 1-6, 2011
Model-based h-infinity controller on the stabilization of a 2-dof quadrotor using hardware-in-The-loop simulation
RCB Sampaio, R Breganon, FTB Salvi, M Becker, A Siqueira, EM Belo
Proceedings of the ASME, 844-853, 2011
HiL evaluation of an on-chip-based optimal Hcontroller on the stability of a MAV in flight simulation
RCB Sampaio, E Cazarini, AC Hernandes, M Becker, DV Magalhaes, ...
2014 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-7, 2014
Model-Based Optimal H Controller on the Stability of a 2-DoF Quadrotor
RC Sampaio, M Becker, AAG Siqueira, R Breganon, F de Salvi, EM Belo
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2011
Optimal Hcontroller on the adjustment of the steering angles of a two-track 4WD autonomous vehicle
RCB Sampaio, HG Borrero, M Becker
IX Latin American Robotics Symposium and IEEE Colombian Conference on …, 2011
Parametric vehicular simulator on the design and the evaluation of HELVIS mini-HEV
RCB Sampaio, M Becker, V Fernandes, GS Lima, AC Hernandes
Proc. ASME/IDETC/CIE, 1-6, 2011
Robôs aéreos: a invasão já começou...
M Becker, RCB Sampaio
Ciência Hoje 50 (300), 20-25, 2013
Fuzzy control strategy applied to adjustment of front steering angle of a 4WSD agricultural mobile robot
HB Guerrero, RB Sampaio, M Becker
Lámpsakos, 31-38, 2012
Sistemas de controle e nova arquitetura para diferencial eletrônico em veículos de passeio convencionais a combustão convertidos em veículos híbridos 4x4
RCB Sampaio
Universidade de Sao Paulo, 2011
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Articles 1–20