Bo Söderström
Bo Söderström
Editor-in-Chief, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
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Estimating species richness and accumulation by modeling species occurrence and detectability
RM Dorazio, JA Royle, B Söderström, A Glimskär
Ecology 87 (4), 842-854, 2006
Plants, insects and birds in semi-natural pastures in relation to local habitat and landscape factors
BO Söderström, B Svensson, K Vessby, A Glimskär
Biodiversity & Conservation 10, 1839-1863, 2001
Different nest predator faunas and nest predation risk on ground and shrub nests at forest ecotones: an experiment and a review
B Söderström, T Pärt, J Rydén
Oecologia 117, 108-118, 1998
Species‐richness correlations of six different taxa in Swedish seminatural grasslands
K Vessby, BO Söderström, A Glimskär, B Svensson
Conservation biology 16 (2), 430-439, 2002
Influence of landscape scale on farmland birds breeding in semi‐natural pastures
BO Söderström, T Pärt
Conservation Biology 14 (2), 522-533, 2000
Intensified agricultural land-use and bird conservation in Burkina Faso
B Söderström, S Kiema, RS Reid
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 99 (1-3), 113-124, 2003
Butterfly distribution and abundance is affected by variation in the Swedish forest-farmland landscape
Å Berg, K Ahrné, E Öckinger, R Svensson, B Söderström
Biological conservation 144 (12), 2819-2831, 2011
Woodlands across Swedish urban gradients: status, structure and management implications
M Hedblom, B Söderström
Landscape and Urban Planning 84 (1), 62-73, 2008
Retention patches as potential refugia for bryophytes and lichens in managed forest landscapes
K Perhans, L Appelgren, F Jonsson, U Nordin, B Söderström, ...
Biological Conservation 142 (5), 1125-1133, 2009
The effects of management regimes and location in landscape on the conservation of farmland birds breeding in semi-natural pastures
T Pärt, B Söderström
Biological Conservation 90 (2), 113-123, 1999
Conservation value of semi‐natural pastures in Sweden: contrasting botanical and avian measures
T Pärt, B Söderström
Conservation Biology 13 (4), 755-765, 1999
Grazing effects on between‐year variation of farmland bird communities
B Söderström, T Pärt, E Linnarsson
Ecological Applications 11 (4), 1141-1150, 2001
Artificial nest predation rates in tropical and temperate forests: a review of the effects of edge and nest site
B Söderström
Ecography 22 (4), 455-463, 1999
Landscape effects on birds in urban woodlands: an analysis of 34 Swedish cities
M Hedblom, B Söderström
Journal of Biogeography 37 (7), 1302-1316, 2010
What are the effects of agricultural management on soil organic carbon in boreo-temperate systems?
NR Haddaway, K Hedlund, LE Jackson, T Kätterer, E Lugato, IK Thomsen, ...
Environmental Evidence 4, 1-29, 2015
Effects of different levels of green-and dead-tree retention on hemi-boreal forest bird communities in Sweden
B Söderström
Forest Ecology and Management 257 (1), 215-222, 2009
Seasonal change in Red‐backed Shrike Lanius collurio territory quality‐the role of nest predation
Ibis 143 (3), 561-571, 2001
What are the effects of agricultural management on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks?
B Söderström, K Hedlund, LE Jackson, T Kätterer, E Lugato, IK Thomsen, ...
Environmental Evidence 3, 1-8, 2014
Comparing movement of four butterfly species in experimental grassland strips
B Söderström, M Hedblom
Journal of insect Conservation 11, 333-342, 2007
Effects of urban matrix on reproductive performance of Great Tit (Parus major) in urban woodlands
M Hedblom, B Söderström
Urban ecosystems 15, 167-180, 2012
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Articles 1–20