María del Carmen Pardo
Cited by
Cited by
The Jensen-Shannon divergence
ML Menéndez, JA Pardo, L Pardo, MC Pardo
Journal of the Franklin Institute 334 (2), 307-318, 1997
Regresión logística multinomial
VP Fernández, RSM Fernández
Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 323-327, 2004
Comment on: Construction of multivariate distributions: a review of some recent results
Pardo, MC
SORT 32 (1), 39-42, 2008
About distances of discrete distributions satisfying the data processing theorem of information theory
MC Pardo, I Vajda
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43 (4), 1288-1293, 1997
Size and power considerations for testing loglinear models using divergence test statistics
NA Cressie, L Pardo, MC Pardo
Statistica Sinica 13 (2), 555-570, 2003
On asymptotic properties of information-theoretic divergences
MC Pardo, I Vajda
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 49 (7), 1860-1867, 2003
A comparison of uniformity tests
Y Marhuenda, D Morales, MC Pardo
Statistics 39 (4), 315-327, 2005
Information criteria for Fay–Herriot model selection
Y Marhuenda, D Morales, MC Pardo
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 70, 268-280, 2014
Minimum φ-divergence estimator in logistic regression models
JA Pardo, L Pardo, MC Pardo
Statistical Papers 47 (1), 91-108, 2006
Asymptotic approximations for the distributions of the (h, ϕ)-divergence goodness-of-fit statistics: application to Renyi's statistic
ML Menéndez, JA Pardo, L Pardo, MC Pardo
Kybernetes 26 (4), 442-452, 1997
On Burbea–Rao divergence based goodness-of-fit tests for multinomial models
MC Pardo
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 69 (1), 65-87, 1999
Rényi statistics for testing composite hypotheses in general exponential models
D Morales, L Pardo, MC Pardo, I Vajda
Statistics 38 (2), 133-147, 2004
A test for uniformity based on informational energy
MC Pardo
Statistical Papers 44 (4), 521-534, 2003
Testing in logistic regression models based on φ-divergences measures
JA Pardo, L Pardo, MC Pardo
Journal of statistical planning and inference 136 (3), 982-1006, 2006
Testing the order of Markov dependence in DNA sequences
ML Menéndez, L Pardo, MC Pardo, K Zografos
Methodology and computing in applied probability 13, 59-74, 2011
Minimum power-divergence estimator in three-way contingency tables
L Pardo, MC Pardo
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 73 (11), 819-831, 2003
A statistical information theory approach to compare the homogeneity of several variances
JA Pardo, MC Pardo, ML Vicente, MD Esteban
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 24 (4), 411-416, 1997
Early cryoprecipitate transfusion versus standard care in severe postpartum haemorrhage: a pilot cluster‐randomised trial
L Green, J Daru, FJ Gonzalez Carreras, D Lanz, MC Pardo, T Pérez, ...
Anaesthesia 77 (2), 175-184, 2022
Comments on: Nonparametric inference based on panel count data
MC Pardo
Test 20 (1), 54, 2011
Use of Rényi's divergence to test for the equality of the coefficients of variation
MC Pardo, JA Pardo
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 116 (1), 93-104, 2000
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Articles 1–20