songnan li
songnan li
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Image quality assessment by separately evaluating detail losses and additive impairments
S Li, F Zhang, L Ma, KN Ngan
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 13 (5), 935-949, 2011
Reduced-reference image quality assessment using reorganized DCT-based image representation
L Ma, S Li, F Zhang, KN Ngan
IEEE Transactions on multimedia 13 (4), 824-829, 2011
Mvf-net: Multi-view 3d face morphable model regression
F Wu, L Bao, Y Chen, Y Ling, Y Song, S Li, KN Ngan, W Liu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Jaccard index compensation for object segmentation evaluation
R Shi, KN Ngan, S Li
2014 IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP), 4457-4461, 2014
Full-reference video quality assessment by decoupling detail losses and additive impairments
S Li, L Ma, KN Ngan
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 22 (7), 1100-1112, 2012
Reduced-reference video quality assessment of compressed video sequences
L Ma, S Li, KN Ngan
IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 22 (10), 1441 …, 2012
Reduced-reference image quality assessment in reorganized DCT domain
L Ma, S Li, KN Ngan
Signal Processing: Image Communication 28 (8), 884-902, 2013
IVP subjective quality video database
F Zhang, S Li, L Ma, YC Wong, KN Ngan
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, http://ivp. ee. cuhk. edu. hk/research …, 2011
Adaptive block-size transform based just-noticeable difference model for images/videos
L Ma, KN Ngan, F Zhang, S Li
Signal Processing: Image Communication 26 (3), 162-174, 2011
Practical image quality metric applied to image coding
F Zhang, L Ma, S Li, KN Ngan
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 13 (4), 615-624, 2011
3-D reconstruction of human body shape from a single commodity depth camera
T Zhao, S Li, KN Ngan, F Wu
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 21 (1), 114-123, 2018
Real-time head pose tracking with online face template reconstruction
S Li, KN Ngan, R Paramesran, L Sheng
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 38 (9), 1922-1928, 2015
Free-energy principle inspired video quality metric and its use in video coding
L Xu, W Lin, L Ma, Y Zhang, Y Fang, KN Ngan, S Li, Y Yan
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 18 (4), 590-602, 2016
Visual quality evaluation of image object segmentation: Subjective assessment and objective measure
R Shi, KN Ngan, S Li, R Paramesran, H Li
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24 (12), 5033-5045, 2015
Visual horizontal effect for image quality assessment
L Ma, S Li, KN Ngan
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 17 (7), 627-630, 2010
Srdgan: learning the noise prior for super resolution with dual generative adversarial networks
J Guan, C Pan, S Li, D Yu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.11821, 2019
Consistent visual quality control in video coding
L Xu, S Li, KN Ngan, L Ma
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 23 (6), 975-989, 2013
Anaglyph image generation by matching color appearance attributes
S Li, L Ma, KN Ngan
Signal Processing: Image Communication 28 (6), 597-607, 2013
End-to-end denoising of dark burst images using recurrent fully convolutional networks
D Zhao, L Ma, S Li, D Yu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.07483, 2019
A head pose tracking system using RGB-D camera
S Li, KN Ngan, L Sheng
Computer Vision Systems: 9th International Conference, ICVS 2013, St …, 2013
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Articles 1–20