Mehran Fotouhi
Mehran Fotouhi
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Cited by
A geometric approach to fully automatic chromosome segmentation
S Minaee, M Fotouhi, BH Khalaj
2014 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB), 1-6, 2014
Intelligent classification of web pages using contextual and visual features
A Ahmadi, M Fotouhi, M Khaleghi
Applied Soft Computing 11 (2), 1638-1647, 2011
SC-RANSAC: spatial consistency on RANSAC
M Fotouhi, H Hekmatian, MA Kashani-Nezhad, S Kasaei
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78, 9429-9461, 2019
Skin detection using contourlet-based texture analysis
M Fotouhi, MH Rohban, S Kasaei
2009 Fourth International Conference on Digital Telecommunications, 59-64, 2009
Skin segmentation based on cellular learning automata
AA Abin, M Fotouhi, S Kasaei
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on advances in mobile …, 2008
Multiple soccer players tracking
N Najafzadeh, M Fotouhi, S Kasaei
2015 The international symposium on artificial intelligence and signal …, 2015
A new dynamic cellular learning automata-based skin detector
AA Abin, M Fotouhi, S Kasaei
Multimedia systems 15 (5), 309-323, 2009
Real-time multiple face detection and tracking
AA Abin, M Fotouhi, S Kasaei
2009 14th International CSI Computer Conference, 379-384, 2009
Object tracking using Kalman filter with adaptive sampled histogram
N Najafzadeh, M Fotouhi, S Kasaei
2015 23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 781-786, 2015
Particle filter-based object tracking using adaptive histogram
M Fotouhi, AR Gholami, S Kasaei
2011 7th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing, 1-5, 2011
Cellular learning automata-based color image segmentation using adaptive chains
AA Abin, M Fotouhi, S Kasaei
2009 14th International CSI Computer Conference, 452-457, 2009
Skin detection using contourlet texture analysis
M Fotouhi, MH Rohban, S Kasaei
2009 14th International CSI Computer Conference, 367-372, 2009
Robust homography optimization in soccer scenes
A Bozorgpour, M Fotouhi, S Kasaei
2015 23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 787-792, 2015
Projection matrix by orthogonal vanishing points
M Fotouhi, S Fouladi, S Kasaei
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 16189-16223, 2017
Automatic soccer field line recognition by minimum information
M Fotouhi, A Bozorgpour, S Kasaei
2015 The International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Signal …, 2015
Feature-based image stitching with repetitive patterns using local phase quantization
SE Mirsadeghi, K Faez, M Fotouhi, S Kasaei
2014 22nd Iranian conference on electrical engineering (ICEE), 1147-1151, 2014
BSIFT: boosting SIFT using principal component analysis
M Fotouhi, S Kasaei, SE Mirsadeghi, K Faez
2014 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1130-1135, 2014
Adult Image Detection Using Visual Features
mehran Fotouhi, ali ahmadi
International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ISCIP 2009), 1174-1179, 2009
AISP 2015 Authors Index
AA Hussain, AA Yassin, M Abadi, S Abdali, M Abdollahifard, KAA Mutlaq, ...
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Articles 1–19