Sen Lin
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Cited by
Micromechanics and microstructure evolution during in situ uniaxial tensile loading of TRIP-assisted duplex stainless steels
Y Tian, S Lin, JYP Ko, U Lienert, A Borgenstam, P Hedström
Materials Science and Engineering: A 734, 281-290, 2018
Effect of Si on bainitic transformation kinetics in steels explained by carbon partitioning, carbide formation, dislocation densities, and thermodynamic conditions
S Lin, A Borgenstam, A Stark, P Hedström
Materials Characterization 185, 111774, 2022
Cu precipitation-mediated formation of reverted austenite during ageing of a 15–5 PH stainless steel
T Zhou, B Neding, S Lin, JC Tseng, P Hedström
Scripta Materialia 202, 114007, 2021
In-Situ High-Energy X-ray Diffraction Study of Austenite Decomposition During Rapid Cooling and Isothermal Holding in Two HSLA Steels
S Lin, U Borggren, A Stark, A Borgenstam, W Mu, P Hedström
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 52, 1812-1825, 2021
Characterization and formation mechanism of non-metallic inclusions in single bcc-phase high entropy alloy
Y Wang, S Lin, Z Dong, JH Park, Q Wang, H Ni, W Mu
Materials Characterization 205, 113299, 2023
Strain Measurement by Digital Image Correlation
S Lin, U Lienert, S Haas, S Gutschimidt
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, 2015
Deformation-Induced Martensitic Transformation and Mechanical Properties of Duplex and Austenitic Stainless Steels: A Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Study
S Lin
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Articles 1–7