Farnoush Banaei-Kashani
Farnoush Banaei-Kashani
Associate Proferssor of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Colorado Denver
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Cited by
Wspds: Web services peer-to-peer discovery service
F Banaei-Kashani, CC Chen, C Shahabi
Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing, 733-743, 2004
Voronoi-based geospatial query processing with mapreduce
A Akdogan, U Demiryurek, F Banaei-Kashani, C Shahabi
2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and …, 2010
Yoda: An accurate and scalable web-based recommendation system
C Shahabi, F Banaei-Kashani, YS Chen, D McLeod
Cooperative Information Systems: 9th International Conference, CoopIS 2001 …, 2001
Online computation of fastest path in time-dependent spatial networks
U Demiryurek, F Banaei-Kashani, C Shahabi, A Ranganathan
International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases, 92-111, 2011
Efficient and anonymous web-usage mining for web personalization
C Shahabi, F Banaei-Kashani
INFORMS Journal on Computing 15 (2), 123-147, 2003
SWAM: A family of access methods for similarity-search in peer-to-peer data networks
F Banaei-Kashani, C Shahabi
Proceedings of the thirteenth ACM international conference on Information …, 2004
Criticality-based analysis and design of unstructured peer-to-peer networks as" Complex systems"
F Banaei-Kashani, C Shahabi
CCGrid 2003. 3rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and …, 2003
A lightweight and inexpensive in-ear sensing system for automatic whole-night sleep stage monitoring
A Nguyen, R Alqurashi, Z Raghebi, F Banaei-Kashani, AC Halbower, ...
Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems CD …, 2016
A framework for efficient and anonymous web usage mining based on client-side tracking
C Shahabi, F Banaei-Kashani
International Workshop on Mining Web Log Data Across All Customers Touch …, 2001
A case for time-dependent shortest path computation in spatial networks
U Demiryurek, F Banaei-Kashani, C Shahabi
Proceedings of the 18th SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in …, 2010
Efficient k-nearest neighbor search in time-dependent spatial networks
U Demiryurek, F Banaei-Kashani, C Shahabi
International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 432-449, 2010
Machine learning characterization of COPD subtypes: insights from the COPDGene study
PJ Castaldi, A Boueiz, J Yun, RSJ Estepar, JC Ross, G Washko, MH Cho, ...
Chest 157 (5), 1147-1157, 2020
Efficient continuous nearest neighbor query in spatial networks using euclidean restriction
U Demiryurek, F Banaei-Kashani, C Shahabi
International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases, 25-43, 2009
WAKE: a behind-the-ear wearable system for microsleep detection
N Pham, T Dinh, Z Raghebi, T Kim, N Bui, P Nguyen, H Truong, ...
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Mobile Systems …, 2020
Neural-network based sensitivity analysis for injector-producer relationship identification
U Demiryurek, F Banaei-Kashani, C Shahabi, F Wilkinson
SPE Intelligent Energy International Conference and Exhibition, SPE-112124-MS, 2008
Towards modeling the traffic data on road networks
U Demiryurek, B Pan, F Banaei-Kashani, C Shahabi
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Computational …, 2009
Towards k-nearest neighbor search in time-dependent spatial network databases
U Demiryurek, F Banaei-Kashani, C Shahabi
International workshop on databases in networked information systems, 296-310, 2010
Decentralized resource management for a distributed continuous media server
C Shahabi, F Banaei-Kashani
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 13 (11), 1183-1200, 2002
A reliable, efficient, and scalable system for web usage data acquisition
C Shahabi, F Banaei-Kashani, J Faruque
Proc. ACM WebKDD Workshop, 2001
GeoDec: A framework to effectively visualize and query geospatial data for decision-making
C Shahabi, F Banaei-Kashani, A Khoshgozaran, L Nocera, S Xing
IEEE MultiMedia, 2010
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Articles 1–20