Serge Brouyère
Serge Brouyère
Université de Liège
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Large scale surface–subsurface hydrological model to assess climate change impacts on groundwater reserves
P Goderniaux, S Brouyère, HJ Fowler, S Blenkinsop, R Therrien, P Orban, ...
Journal of Hydrology 373 (1-2), 122-138, 2009
Climate change impacts on groundwater resources: modelled deficits in a chalky aquifer, Geer basin, Belgium
S Brouyère, G Carabin, A Dassargues
Hydrogeology Journal 12, 123-134, 2004
Isotopic composition of nitrogen species in groundwater under agricultural areas: a review
O Nikolenko, A Jurado, AV Borges, K Knӧller, S Brouyѐre
Science of the Total Environment 621, 1415-1432, 2018
Effects of agricultural land use on fluvial carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide concentrations in a large European river, the Meuse (Belgium)
AV Borges, F Darchambeau, T Lambert, S Bouillon, C Morana, ...
Science of the Total Environment 610, 342-355, 2018
Modeling climate change impacts on groundwater resources using transient stochastic climatic scenarios
P Goderniaux, S Brouyere, S Blenkinsop, A Burton, HJ Fowler, P Orban, ...
Water Resources Research 47 (12), 2011
Assessing the contribution of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and self-potential (SP) methods for a water well drilling program in fractured/karstified limestones
T Robert, A Dassargues, S Brouyère, O Kaufmann, V Hallet, F Nguyen
Journal of Applied Geophysics 75 (1), 42-53, 2011
Quantitative temperature monitoring of a heat tracing experiment using cross-borehole ERT
T Hermans, S Wildemeersch, P Jamin, P Orban, S Brouyère, ...
Geothermics 53, 14-26, 2015
Migration of contaminants through the unsaturated zone overlying the Hesbaye chalky aquifer in Belgium: a field investigation
S Brouyère, A Dassargues, V Hallet
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 72 (1-4), 135-164, 2004
Dynamics and emissions of N2O in groundwater: A review
A Jurado, AV Borges, S Brouyère
Science of the Total Environment 584, 207-218, 2017
Identification of groundwater quality trends in a chalk aquifer threatened by intensive agriculture in Belgium
J Batlle Aguilar, P Orban, A Dassargues, S Brouyère
Hydrogeology Journal 15, 1615-1627, 2007
Coupling heat and chemical tracer experiments for estimating heat transfer parameters in shallow alluvial aquifers
S Wildemeersch, P Jamin, P Orban, T Hermans, M Klepikova, F Nguyen, ...
Journal of Contaminant hydrology 169, 90-99, 2014
Evaluation and validation of vulnerability concepts using a physically based approach
S Brouyère, PY Jeannin, A Dassargues, N Goldscheider, IC Popescu, ...
Mémoire des Sciences et Techniques de l'Environnement 13, 2001
Heat tracer test in an alluvial aquifer: Field experiment and inverse modelling
M Klepikova, S Wildemeersch, T Hermans, P Jamin, P Orban, F Nguyen, ...
Journal of Hydrology 540, 812-823, 2016
A new tracer technique for monitoring groundwater fluxes: The Finite Volume Point Dilution Method
S Brouyère, J Batlle-Aguilar, P Goderniaux, A Dassargues
Abstracts; Chemical Abstracts/CAS; Current Contents/Agriculture 95 (3-4), 2008
Regional transport modelling for nitrate trend assessment and forecasting in a chalk aquifer
P Orban, S Brouyère, J Batlle-Aguilar, J Couturier, P Goderniaux, M Leroy, ...
Journal of contaminant hydrology 118 (1-2), 79-93, 2010
Modelling the migration of contaminants through variably saturated dual-porosity, dual-permeability chalk
S Brouyère
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 82 (3-4), 195-219, 2006
Uncertainty of climate change impact on groundwater reserves–application to a chalk aquifer
P Goderniaux, S Brouyère, S Wildemeersch, R Therrien, A Dassargues
Journal of Hydrology 528, 108-121, 2015
Etude et modélisation du transport et du piégeage des solutés en milieu souterrain variablement saturé (study and modelling of transport and retardation of solutes in variably …
S Brouyère
French. PhD Thesis, University of Liège, Faculty of Applied Sciences, 572, 2001
Interactions between groundwater and the cavity of an old slate mine used as lower reservoir of an UPSH (Underground Pumped Storage Hydroelectricity): A modelling approach
S Bodeux, E Pujades, P Orban, S Brouyère, A Dassargues
Engineering Geology 217, 71-80, 2017
Multi-species measurements of nitrogen isotopic composition reveal the spatial constraints and biological drivers of ammonium attenuation across a highly contaminated …
NS Wells, V Hakoun, S Brouyère, K Knöller
Water research 98, 363-375, 2016
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Articles 1–20