John Dowell
John Dowell
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A comedy of errors: the London Ambulance Service case study
A Finkelstein, J Dowell
Proceedings of the 8th international workshop on software specification and …, 1996
A case study of co-ordinative decision-making in disaster management
W Smith, J Dowell
Ergonomics 43 (8), 1153-1166, 2000
A framework for human factors evaluation
A Whitefield, F Wilson, J Dowell
Behaviour & Information Technology 10 (1), 65-79, 1991
Conceptions of the discipline of HCI: Craft, applied science, and engineering
J Long, J Dowell
HCI 89 (747), 9-32, 1989
Towards a conception for an engineering discipline of human factors
J Dowell, J Long
Ergonomics 32 (11), 1513-1535, 1989
Information seeking and use by newspaper journalists
S Attfield, J Dowell
Journal of documentation 59 (2), 187-204, 2003
Target paper: conception of the cognitive engineering design problem
J Dowell, J Long
Ergonomics 41 (2), 126-139, 1998
Information seeking in the context of writing: A design psychology interpretation of the “problematic situation”
S Attfield, A Blandford, J Dowell
Journal of Documentation 59 (4), 430-453, 2003
Managing smartphone interruptions through adaptive modes and modulation of notifications
H Lopez-Tovar, A Charalambous, J Dowell
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Intelligent User …, 2015
Identifying optimum performance trade‐offs using a cognitively bounded rational analysis model of discretionary task interleaving
CP Janssen, DP Brumby, J Dowell, N Chater, A Howes
Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (1), 123-139, 2011
Exploring mobile news reading interactions for news app personalisation
M Constantinides, J Dowell, D Johnson, S Malacria
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2015
Coordination in emergency operations and the tabletop training exercise
J Dowell, JM Hoc
Le Travail Humain, 85-102, 1995
A framework for interaction-driven user modeling of mobile news reading behaviour
M Constantinides, J Dowell
Proceedings of the 26th conference on user modeling, adaptation and …, 2018
Formulating the cognitive design problem of air traffic management
J Dowell
- International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 1998
Designing paper disasters: An authoring environment for developing training exercises in integrated emergency management
W Smith, J Dowell, MA Ortega-Lafuente
Cognition, Technology & Work 1, 119-132, 1999
Representation of time in digital calendars: An argument for a unified, continuous and multi-granular calendar view
KM PM Hund, J Dowell
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2014
Blending speech output and visual text in the multimodal interface
J Dowell, Y Shmueli
Human factors 50 (5), 782-788, 2008
Companion apps for information-rich television programmes: representation and interaction
J Dowell, S Malacria, H Kim, E Anstead
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 19, 1215-1228, 2015
Cognitive engineering human-computer interactions
J Long, J Dowell
Psychologist 9 (7), 313-317, 1996
Using personas to model museum visitors
M Almeshari, J Dowell, J Nyhan
Adjunct Publication of the 27th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and …, 2019
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Articles 1–20