Evaluation of reforestation in the lower Mississippi River alluvial valley SL King, BD Keeland Restoration Ecology 7 (4), 348-359, 1999 | 249 | 1999 |
The role of the Wetland Reserve Program in conservation efforts in the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley SL King, DJ Twedt, RR Wilson Wildlife Society Bulletin 34 (4), 914-920, 2006 | 179 | 2006 |
Effects of landscape features on waterbird use of rice fields S King, CS Elphick, D Guadagnin, O Taft, T Amano Waterbirds 33 (sp1), 151-159, 2010 | 83 | 2010 |
Climate and human water use diminish wetland networks supporting continental waterbird migration JP Donnelly, SL King, NL Silverman, DP Collins, EM Carrera‐Gonzalez, ... Global change biology 26 (4), 2042-2059, 2020 | 58 | 2020 |
The ecology, restoration, and management of southeastern floodplain ecosystems: a synthesis SL King, RR Sharitz, JW Groninger, LL Battaglia Wetlands 29, 624-634, 2009 | 56 | 2009 |
Spatial dynamics of overbank sedimentation in floodplain systems AR Pierce, SL King Geomorphology 100 (3-4), 256-268, 2008 | 56 | 2008 |
Effects of flooding regimes on two impounded bottomland hardwood stands SL King Wetlands 15, 272-284, 1995 | 54 | 1995 |
Vegetation, soil, and flooding relationships in a blackwater floodplain forest MK Burke, SL King, D Gartner, MH Eisenbies Wetlands 23 (4), 988-1002, 2003 | 53 | 2003 |
Channelization and floodplain forests: impacts of accelerated sedimentation and valley plug formation on floodplain forests of the Middle Fork Forked Deer River, Tennessee, USA SN Oswalt, SL King Forest Ecology and Management 215 (1-3), 69-83, 2005 | 52 | 2005 |
Multiscale habitat selection of wetland birds in the northern Gulf Coast BA Pickens, SL King Estuaries and coasts 37, 1301-1311, 2014 | 47 | 2014 |
Relative nest density, nest success, and site occupancy of King Rails in southwestern Louisiana rice fields S Pierluissi, SL King Waterbirds 31 (4), 530-540, 2008 | 44 | 2008 |
Long-term effects of a lock and dam and greentree reservoir management on a bottomland hardwood forest SL King, JA Allen, JW McCoy Forest Ecology and Management 112 (3), 213-226, 1998 | 43 | 1998 |
Combining citizen science species distribution models and stable isotopes reveals migratory connectivity in the secretive V irginia rail AMV Fournier, AR Sullivan, JK Bump, M Perkins, MC Shieldcastle, ... Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (2), 618-627, 2017 | 40 | 2017 |
Tree growth and recruitment in a leveed floodplain forest in the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley, USA HKW Gee, SL King, RF Keim Forest Ecology and Management 334, 85-95, 2014 | 40 | 2014 |
Distribution and habitat associations of breeding secretive marsh birds in Louisiana’s Mississippi Alluvial Valley JJ Valente, SL King, RR Wilson Wetlands 31, 1-10, 2011 | 40 | 2011 |
Bottomland hardwood forests: past, present, and future SL King, JP Shepard, K Ouchley, JA Neal, K Ouchley Ecology and management of bottomland hardwood systems: the state of our …, 2005 | 39 | 2005 |
Plant succession and greentree reservoir management: implications for management and restoration of bottomland hardwood wetlands SL King, JA Allen Wetlands 16 (4), 503-511, 1996 | 37 | 1996 |
Canopy disturbance patterns in a bottomland hardwood forest in northeast Arkansas, USA SL King, TJ Antrobus Wetlands 21 (4), 543-553, 2001 | 36 | 2001 |
Conservation, protection and utilization of Louisiana’s Coastal Wetland Forests JL Chambers, WH Conner, JW Day, SP Faulkner, ES Gardiner, ... Final Report to the Governor of Louisiana from the Coastal Wetland Forest …, 2005 | 34 | 2005 |
Wetland conservation: challenges related to water law and farm policy SL King, MK Laubhan, P Tashjian, J Vradenburg, L Fredrickson Wetlands 41 (5), 54, 2021 | 32 | 2021 |