Nozomi Tanaka
Cited by
Cited by
The subject advantage in relative clauses: A review
E Lau, N Tanaka
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 6 (1), 2021
An asymmetry in the acquisition of Tagalog relative clauses
N Tanaka
Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2016
Agrammatism in Tagalog: Voice and relativisation
IP Bondoc, W O’Grady, K Deen, N Tanaka
Aphasiology 32 (5), 598-617, 2018
An asymmetry in the acquisition of relative clauses: Evidence from Tagalog
N Tanaka, W O’Grady, K Deen, IP Bondoc
First Language 39 (6), 618-632, 2019
L1 acquisition of Japanese transitive verbs: How do children acquire grammar in the absence of clear evidence
N Tanaka, Y Shirai
Japanese/Korean Linguistics 21, 281-295, 2014
Split focus preferences in Tagalog: Evidence from child language
N Tanaka, W O’Grady, K Deen, CE Kim, R Hattori, IPM Bondoc, ...
AFLA 21: The Proceedings of the 21st annual meeting of the Austronesian …, 2015
An experimental reassessment of complex NP islands with NP-scrambling in Japanese
S Fukuda, N Tanaka, H Ono, J Sprouse
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 7 (1), 2022
Acquisition of Tagalog relative clauses
N Tanaka, W O’grady, K Deen, CE Kim, R Hattori, IPM Bondoc, ...
BUCLD 38: Proceedings of the 38th Annual Boston University Conference on …, 2014
Tagalog oblique relative clauses
Y Otsuka, N Tanaka
The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association …, 2016
Focus preferences by adult speakers of Tagalog
N Tanaka
Unpublished Manuscript. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, 2015
Acquisition of Tagalog focus system
N Tanaka, W O’Grady, K Deen, CE Kim, R Hattori, IPM Bondoc, ...
The 16th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for …, 2014
Investigating relative clause island effects in native and nonnative adult speakers of Japanese
N Tanaka, BD Schwartz
BUCLD 42: Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Boston University Conference on …, 2018
Examining main clause similarity and frequency effects in the production of Tagalog relative clauses
N Tanaka, IP Bondoc, K Deen
Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 15 (2), 70-86, 2022
L1 acquisition of Japanese verb argument structure: How do children acquire grammar in the absence of clear evidence?
N Tanaka
University of Pittsburgh, 2011
Subject Advantage in L1-English Learners’ Production of Chinese Relative Clauses
N Tanaka, A Cherici
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 52 (2), 405-424, 2023
More Relativization Asymmetries: Children Find Locative and Benefactive Clauses Difficult
IP Bondoc, W O’Grady, KU Deen, N Tanaka, EC Chua, AC De Leon, ...
BUCLD 42: Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Boston University Conference on …, 2018
An agent advantage in Tagalog relative clause comprehension
N Tanaka, W O’Grady, K Deen, CE Kim, R Hattori, IPM Bondoc, ...
AFLA 22: The Proceedings of the 22nd Meeting of the Austronesian Formal …, 2016
On the universality of the subject preference in the acquisition of relative clauses across languages
N Tanaka, E Lau, ALF Lee
First Language 44 (3), 219-243, 2024
Estimating Cue Strengths in Oral Production in a Japanese Learner Corpus
N Tanaka
Frontiers in Communication 7, 827336, 2022
Tagalog relative clause production: Data from adults and children
N Tanaka
Unpublished manuscript 2015, 2015
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Articles 1–20