Destructive leadership behaviour: A definition and conceptual model S Einarsen, MS Aasland, A Skogstad The leadership quarterly 18 (3), 207-216, 2007 | 1998 | 2007 |
Bullying at work: Epidemiological findings in public and private organizations S Einarsen, A Skogstad European journal of work and organizational psychology 5 (2), 185-201, 1996 | 1919 | 1996 |
The destructiveness of laissez-faire leadership behavior. A Skogstad, S Einarsen, T Torsheim, MS Aasland, H Hetland Journal of occupational health psychology 12 (1), 80, 2007 | 1593 | 2007 |
The prevalence of destructive leadership behaviour MS Aasland, A Skogstad, G Notelaers, MB Nielsen, S Einarsen British Journal of management 21 (2), 438-452, 2010 | 867 | 2010 |
Relationships between stressful work environments and bullying: Results of a large representative study L Johan Hauge, A Skogstad, S Einarsen Work & stress 21 (3), 220-242, 2007 | 840 | 2007 |
The relative impact of workplace bullying as a social stressor at work LJ Hauge, A Skogstad, S Einarsen Scandinavian journal of psychology 51 (5), 426-433, 2010 | 526 | 2010 |
Bullying, burnout and well-being among assistant nurses S Einarsen, S Matthiesen, A Skogstad Journal of Occupational Health and Safety Australia and New Zealand 14, 563-568, 1998 | 446 | 1998 |
Individual and situational predictors of workplace bullying: Why do perpetrators engage in the bullying of others? LJ Hauge, A Skogstad, S Einarsen Work & Stress 23 (4), 349-358, 2009 | 429 | 2009 |
Prevalence of workplace bullying in Norway: Comparisons across time and estimation methods MB Nielsen, A Skogstad, SB Matthiesen, L Glasø, MS Aasland, ... European journal of work and organizational psychology 18 (1), 81-101, 2009 | 412 | 2009 |
Climate for conflict management, exposure to workplace bullying and work engagement: a moderated mediation analysis S Einarsen, A Skogstad, E Rørvik, ÅB Lande, MB Nielsen The International Journal of Human Resource Management 29 (3), 549-570, 2018 | 405 | 2018 |
Is avoidant leadership a root cause of subordinate stress? Longitudinal relationships between laissez-faire leadership and role ambiguity A Skogstad, J Hetland, L Glasø, S Einarsen Work & stress 28 (4), 323-341, 2014 | 379 | 2014 |
The relative effects of constructive, laissez-faire, and tyrannical leadership on subordinate job satisfaction A Skogstad, MS Aasland, MB Nielsen, J Hetland, SB Matthiesen, ... Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 2015 | 287 | 2015 |
Testing the work environment hypothesis of bullying on a group level of analysis: Psychosocial factors as precursors of observed workplace bullying A Skogstad, T Torsheim, S Einarsen, LJ Hauge Applied Psychology 60 (3), 475-495, 2011 | 271 | 2011 |
User's guide for the QPSNordic: general Nordic questionnaire for psychological and social factors at work E Ørhede, V Hottinen, A Skogstad, S Knardahl, AL Elo, M Dallner, ... Nordic Council of Ministers, 2000 | 265 | 2000 |
Do they stay or do they go? A longitudinal study of intentions to leave and exclusion from working life among targets of workplace bullying M Berthelsen, A Skogstad, B Lau, S Einarsen International Journal of Manpower 32 (2), 178-193, 2011 | 257 | 2011 |
The oldest old, ADL, social network, and loneliness M Bondevik, A Skogstad Western Journal of Nursing Research 20 (3), 325-343, 1998 | 233 | 1998 |
Workplace bullying, the development of job insecurity and the role of laissez-faire leadership: A two-wave moderated mediation study M Glambek, A Skogstad, S Einarsen Work & Stress 32 (3), 297-312, 2018 | 224 | 2018 |
Leadership and role stressors as departmental level predictors of workplace bullying. LJ Hauge, S Einarsen, S Knardahl, B Lau, G Notelaers, A Skogstad International Journal of Stress Management 18 (4), 305, 2011 | 208 | 2011 |
Leadership, staffing and quality of care in nursing homes AK Havig, A Skogstad, LE Kjekshus, TI Romøren BMC Health Services Research 11, 1-13, 2011 | 193 | 2011 |
Organizational changes: a precursor of bullying at work? A Skogstad, SB Matthiesen, S Einarsen International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior 10 (1), 58-94, 2007 | 182 | 2007 |