Lars Glasø
Lars Glasø
Professor of organizational psychology, BI Norwegian Business School
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Leadership styles as predictors of self‐reported and observed workplace bullying
H Hoel, L Glasø, J Hetland, CL Cooper, S Einarsen
British Journal of management 21 (2), 453-468, 2010
Do targets of workplace bullying portray a general victim personality profile?
L Glasø, SB Matthiesen, MB Nielsen, S Einarsen
Scandinavian journal of psychology 48 (4), 313-319, 2007
Prevalence of workplace bullying in Norway: Comparisons across time and estimation methods
MB Nielsen, A Skogstad, SB Matthiesen, L Glasø, MS Aasland, ...
European journal of work and organizational psychology 18 (1), 81-101, 2009
Is avoidant leadership a root cause of subordinate stress? Longitudinal relationships between laissez-faire leadership and role ambiguity
A Skogstad, J Hetland, L Glasø, S Einarsen
Work & stress 28 (4), 323-341, 2014
Situational leadership theory: A test from three perspectives
G Thompson, L Glasø
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 36 (5), 527-544, 2015
Exposure to workplace harassment and the Five Factor Model of personality: A meta-analysis
MB Nielsen, L Glasø, S Einarsen
Personality and individual differences 104, 195-206, 2017
Situational leadership theory: a test from a leader-follower congruence approach
G Thompson, L Glasø
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 39 (5), 574-591, 2018
Emotion regulation in leader–follower relationships
L Glasø, S Einarsen
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 17 (4), 482-500, 2008
An application of affective events theory to workplace bullying
L Glasø, TL Vie, GR Holmdal, S Einarsen
European Psychologist, 2010
Health outcomes and self-labeling as a victim of workplace bullying
TL Vie, L Glasø, S Einarsen
Journal of psychosomatic research 70 (1), 37-43, 2011
Experienced affects in leader–subordinate relationships
L Glasø, S Einarsen
Scandinavian Journal of Management 22 (1), 49-73, 2006
Interpersonal problems among perpetrators and targets of workplace bullying
L Glasø, MB Nielsen, S Einarsen
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 39 (6), 1316-1333, 2009
Workplace bullying, emotions, and outcomes.
L Glasø, G Notelaers
How does it feel? Workplace bullying, emotions and musculoskeletal complaints
TL Vie, L Glasø, S Einarsen
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 53 (2), 165-173, 2012
Bus drivers’ exposure to bullying at work: An occupation‐specific approach
L Glasø, E Bele, MB Nielsen, S Einarsen
Scandinavian journal of psychology 52 (5), 484-493, 2011
Personality profiles among targets and nontargets of workplace bullying
K Lind, L Glasø, S Pallesen, S Einarsen
European Psychologist 14 (3), 231-237, 2009
Do low-quality leader-member relationships matter for subordinates? Evidence from three samples on the validity of the Norwegian LMX scale
T Furnes, R Mykletun, S Einarsen, L Glasø
Roskilde University, 2015
The impact of transformational leadership and interactional justice on follower performance and organizational commitment in a business context
G Thompson, R Buch, PMM Thompson, L Glasø
Journal of General Management 46 (4), 274-283, 2021
The instrumentality of emotion in leader-subordinate relationships
L Glaso, K Ekerholt, S Barman, S Einarsen
International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 1 (3), 255-276, 2006
Antecedents and consequences of envy
G Thompson, L Glasø, Ø Martinsen
The Journal of social psychology 156 (2), 139-153, 2016
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Articles 1–20