Ricardo Jose Pfitscher
Ricardo Jose Pfitscher
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Refining network intents for self-driving networks
AS Jacobs, RJ Pfitscher, RA Ferreira, LZ Granville
Proceedings of the Afternoon Workshop on Self-Driving Networks, 15-21, 2018
Hey, lumi! using natural language for {intent-based} network management
AS Jacobs, RJ Pfitscher, RH Ribeiro, RA Ferreira, LZ Granville, ...
2021 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 21), 625-639, 2021
FENDE: marketplace-based distribution, execution, and life cycle management of VNFs
L Bondan, MF Franco, L Marcuzzo, G Venancio, RL Santos, RJ Pfitscher, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (1), 13-19, 2019
INSpIRE: Integrated NFV-based intent refinement environment
EJ Scheid, CC Machado, MF Franco, RL dos Santos, RP Pfitscher, ...
2017 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM …, 2017
IDEAFIX: Identifying elephant flows in P4-based IXP networks
MVB da Silva, AS Jacobs, RJ Pfitscher, LZ Granville
2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2018
Deploying natural language intents with lumi
AS Jacobs, RJ Pfitscher, RH Ribeiro, RA Ferreira, LZ Granville, SG Rao
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2019 Conference Posters and Demos, 82-84, 2019
Predicting elephant flows in internet exchange point programmable networks
MVB da Silva, AS Jacobs, RJ Pfitscher, LZ Granville
Advanced Information Networking and Applications: Proceedings of the 33rd …, 2020
Customer-oriented diagnosis of memory provisioning for iaas clouds
RJ Pfitscher, MA Pillon, RR Obelheiro
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 48 (1), 2-10, 2014
Artificial neural network model to predict affinity for virtual network functions
AS Jacobs, RJ Pfitscher, RL dos Santos, MF Franco, EJ Scheid, ...
NOMS 2018-2018 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 1-9, 2018
Affinity measurement for NFV-enabled networks: A criteria-based approach
AS Jacobs, RL do Santos, MF Franco, EJ Scheid, RJ Pfitscher, ...
2017 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM …, 2017
Diagnóstico do provisionamento de recursos para máquinas virtuais em nuvens IaaS
RJ Pfitscher
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, 2014
DReAM-a distributed result-aware monitor for Network Functions Virtualization
RJ Pfitscher, EJ Scheid, RL dos Santos, RR Obelheiro, MA Pillon, ...
2016 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC), 663-668, 2016
A model for quantifying performance degradation in virtual network function service chains
RJ Pfitscher, AS Jacobs, EJ Scheid, MF Franco, RL dos Santos, ...
NOMS 2018-2018 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 1-9, 2018
Guiltiness: A practical approach for quantifying virtual network functions performance
RJ Pfitscher, AS Jacobs, L Zembruzki, RL dos Santos, EJ Scheid, ...
Computer Networks 161, 14-31, 2019
Estimating Code Running Time Complexity with Machine Learning
RJ Pfitscher, GB Rodenbusch, A Dias, P Vieira, NMMD Fouto
Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, 400-414, 2023
Interactive visualizations for planning and strategic business decisions in NFV-enabled networks
MF Franco, RL dos Santos, R Cava, EJ Scheid, RJ Pfitscher, CDS Freitas, ...
2017 IEEE 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking …, 2017
Análise de sentimentos em turmas de programação com vistas ao apoio à permanência estudantil
RJ Pfitscher, LC Camargo, BG Moreira, C Wang, R Zedral, TR Garcia
Anais do XXXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, 1329-1340, 2023
A practical approach for soil unit weight estimation using artificial neural networks
HP Nierwinski, RJ Pfitscher, BS Barra, T Menegaz, E Odebrecht
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 131, 104648, 2023
Examining the centralization of email industry: A landscape analysis for ipv4 and ipv6
L Zembruzki, AS Jacobs, LZ Granville, RJ Pfitscher
2023 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 360-366, 2023
Sample Selection Search to Predict Elephant Flows in IXP Programmable Networks
MVB da Silva, AAP de Carvalho, AS Jacobs, RJ Pfitscher, LZ Granville
International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications …, 2020
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