Stefan Rapp
Cited by
Cited by
Speech recognition control of remotely controllable devices in a home network environment
P Buchner, S Goronzy, R Kompe, S Rapp
US Patent 6,535,854, 2003
The influence of minimum edit distance on reference resolution
M Strube, S Rapp, C Müller
Proceedings of the 2002 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2002
Generating non-native pronunciation variants for lexicon adaptation
S Goronzy, S Rapp, R Kompe
Speech Communication 42 (1), 109-123, 2004
Applying co-training to reference resolution
C Müller, S Rapp, M Strube
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2002
Automatic phonemic transcription and linguistic annotation from known text with Hidden Markov Models. An Aligner for German
S Rapp
Haptic chameleon: a new concept of shape-changing user interface controls with force feedback
G Michelitsch, J Williams, M Osen, B Jimenez, S Rapp
CHI'04 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 1305-1308, 2004
Haptic Chameleon
G Michelitsch, M Osen, J Williams, B Jimenez, S Rapp
Proc. EuroHaptics 4, 430-433, 2004
Automatisierte erstellung von korpora für die prosodieforschung
S Rapp
Inst. für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Lehrstuhl für Experimentelle Phonetik, 1998
Spotlight navigation: interaction with a handheld projection device
S Rapp, G Michelitsch, M Osen, J Williams, M Barbisch, R Bohan, ...
na, 2004
Architecture and implementation of multimodal plug and play
C Elting, S Rapp, G Möhler, M Strube
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Multimodal interfaces, 93-100, 2003
Method for operating a display device
G Michelitsch, S Rapp, G Mohler
US Patent App. 10/726,298, 2004
Merging of speech interfaces from concurrent use of devices and applications
S Rapp, S Goronzy, R Kompe, P Buchner, F Giron, H Lucke
US Patent 6,615,177, 2003
An Iterative Data Collection Approach for Multimodal Dialogue Systems.
S Rapp, M Strube
LREC, 2002
Configuring and controlling ubiquitous computing infrastructure with semantic connections: a tangible and an AR approach
B van der Vlist, G Niezen, S Rapp, J Hu, L Feijs
Personal and ubiquitous computing 17 (4), 783-799, 2013
Spotlight Navigation: a pioneering user interface for mobile projection
S Rapp
Proceedings Ubiprojection. Helsinki, 2010
Method for online adaptation of pronunciation dictionaries
S Goronzy, R Kompe, S Rapp
US Patent App. 10/013,779, 2002
Automatic labelling of German prosody
S Rapp
Fifth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 1998
Prosody and discourse structure: Issues and experiments
G Dogil, J Kuhn, J Mayer, G Möhler, S Rapp
Intonation: Theory, Models and Applications, 1997
Architecture for multimodal interactive assistant systems
T Kirste, S Rapp
Proceedings of International Status Conference: Lead Projects Human-Computer …, 2001
Dynamic speech interfaces
S Rapp, S Torge, S Goronzy, R Kompe
Proceedings of the ECAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Mobile …, 2000
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Articles 1–20