Kathrin Otrel-Cass
Cited by
Cited by
Re-engaging students in science: Issues of assessment, funds of knowledge and sites for learning
B Cowie, A Jones, K Otrel-Cass
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 9, 347-366, 2011
Enhancing teachers’ technological pedagogical knowledge and practices: A professional development model for technology teachers in Malawi
VKM Chikasanda, K Otrel-Cass, J Williams, A Jones
International Journal of Technology and Design Education 23, 597-622, 2013
Culturally responsive pedagogy: Connecting New Zealand teachers of science with their Māori students
T Glynn, B Cowie, K Otrel-Cass, A Macfarlane
The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 39 (1), 118-127, 2010
Expanding notions of assessment for learning: Inside science and technology primary classrooms
B Cowie, J Moreland, K Otrel-Cass
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Scaffolding with and through videos: An example of ICT-TPACK
K Otrel-Cass, E Khoo, B Cowie
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education 12 (4), 369-390, 2012
Exploring emotions, aesthetics and wellbeing in science education research
A Bellocchi, C Quigley, K Otrel-Cass
Springer, 2016
The classroom InSiTE project: Understanding classroom interactions to enhance teaching and learning in science and technology in Years 1-8
B Cowie, J Moreland, A Jones, K Otrel-Cass
Teaching & Learning Research Initiative Nāu i Whatu te Kākahu, he Taniko Taku, 2008
Simulations as scaffolds in science education
M Renken, M Peffer, K Otrel-Cass, I Girault, A Chiocarriello
Springer, 2016
Exploring the value of ‘horizontal’learning in early years science classrooms
B Cowie, K Otrel-Cass
Early Years 31 (3), 285-295, 2011
Avoiding “magical” thinking in children: The case for teachers’ science subject knowledge
H Hedges
Early Childhood Folio 7 (2), 7, 2003
A holistic analysis of a BIM-mediated building design process using activity theory
P Nørkjaer Gade, A Nørkjaer Gade, K Otrel-Cass, K Svidt
Construction management and economics 37 (6), 336-350, 2019
Teacher and student reflections on ICT-rich science inquiry
PJ Williams, K Otrel-Cass
Research in Science & Technological Education 35 (1), 88-107, 2017
Teachers’ views about technical education: implications for reforms towards a broad based technology curriculum in Malawi
VK Chikasanda, K Otrel-Cass, A Jones
International Journal of Technology and Design Education 21, 363-379, 2011
Culturally responsive pedagogy and assessment in primary science classrooms: Whakamana tamariki
B Cowie, K Otrel-Cass, T Glynn, H Kara, MA Anderson, J Doyle, ...
Teaching & Learning Research Initiative Nāu i Whatu Te Kākahu, He Tāniko Taku, 2011
Taking video cameras into the classroom.
K Otrel-Cass, B Cowie, M Maguire
Faculty of Education, University of Waikato 15 (2), 109-118, 2010
Transformations of trust in society: A systematic review of how access to big data in energy systems challenges Scandinavian culture
J de Godoy, K Otrel-Cass, KH Toft
Energy and AI 5, 100079, 2021
Emotions, aesthetics and wellbeing in science education: Theoretical foundations
A Bellocchi, CF Quigley, K Otrel-Cass
Exploring emotions, aesthetics and wellbeing in science education research, 1-6, 2017
Multimodal ways of eliciting students' voice
B Cowie, K Otrel-Cass, J Moreland
Waikato Journal of Education 15 (2), 2010
Problem based learning and sustainability: practice and potential
KK Hansen, ML Dahms, K Otrel-Cass, A Guerra
Faculty of Engineering and Science, Aalborg University, 2014
Teaching evolution in New Zealand’s schools—Reviewing changes in the New Zealand science curriculum
A Campbell, K Otrel-Cass
Research in Science Education 41, 441-451, 2011
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Articles 1–20