Michael Saddoris
Michael Saddoris
Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
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Encoding predicted outcome and acquired value in orbitofrontal cortex during cue sampling depends upon input from basolateral amygdala
G Schoenbaum, B Setlow, MP Saddoris, M Gallagher
Neuron 39 (5), 855-867, 2003
Different roles for orbitofrontal cortex and basolateral amygdala in a reinforcer devaluation task
CL Pickens, MP Saddoris, B Setlow, M Gallagher, PC Holland, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (35), 11078-11084, 2003
Orbitofrontal lesions in rats impair reversal but not acquisition of go, no-go odor discriminations
G Schoenbaum, SL Nugent, MP Saddoris, B Setlow
Neuroreport 13 (6), 885-890, 2002
Lesions of orbitofrontal cortex and basolateral amygdala complex disrupt acquisition of odor-guided discriminations and reversals
G Schoenbaum, B Setlow, SL Nugent, MP Saddoris, M Gallagher
Learning & memory 10 (2), 129-140, 2003
Corticohippocampal contributions to spatial and contextual learning
RD Burwell, MP Saddoris, DJ Bucci, KA Wiig
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (15), 3826-3836, 2004
Rapid associative encoding in basolateral amygdala depends on connections with orbitofrontal cortex
MP Saddoris, M Gallagher, G Schoenbaum
Neuron 46 (2), 321-331, 2005
Differential dopamine release dynamics in the nucleus accumbens core and shell reveal complementary signals for error prediction and incentive motivation
MP Saddoris, F Cacciapaglia, RM Wightman, RM Carelli
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (33), 11572-11582, 2015
Cocaine‐experienced rats exhibit learning deficits in a task sensitive to orbitofrontal cortex lesions
G Schoenbaum, MP Saddoris, SJ Ramus, Y Shaham, B Setlow
European Journal of Neuroscience 19 (7), 1997-2002, 2004
Orbitofrontal lesions impair use of cue-outcome associations in a devaluation task.
CL Pickens, MP Saddoris, M Gallagher, PC Holland
Behavioral neuroscience 119 (1), 317, 2005
Reconciling the roles of orbitofrontal cortex in reversal learning and the encoding of outcome expectancies
G Schoenbaum, MP Saddoris, TA Stalnaker
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1121 (1), 320-335, 2007
Teaching old rats new tricks: age-related impairments in olfactory reversal learning
G Schoenbaum, S Nugent, MP Saddoris, M Gallagher
Neurobiology of aging 23 (4), 555-564, 2002
Central amygdala prepronociceptin-expressing neurons mediate palatable food consumption and reward
JA Hardaway, LR Halladay, CM Mazzone, D Pati, DW Bloodgood, M Kim, ...
Neuron 102 (5), 1037-1052. e7, 2019
Contextual fear discrimination is impaired by damage to the postrhinal or perirhinal cortex.
DJ Bucci, MP Saddoris, RD Burwell
Behavioral neuroscience 116 (3), 479, 2002
Rapid dopamine dynamics in the accumbens core and shell: learning and action
MP Saddoris, JA Sugam, F Cacciapaglia, RM Carelli
Frontiers in bioscience (Elite edition) 5, 273, 2013
Mesolimbic dopamine dynamically tracks, and is causally linked to, discrete aspects of value-based decision making
MP Saddoris, JA Sugam, GD Stuber, IB Witten, K Deisseroth, RM Carelli
Biological psychiatry 77 (10), 903-911, 2015
Neural correlates of Pavlovian‐to‐instrumental transfer in the nucleus accumbens shell are selectively potentiated following cocaine self‐administration
MP Saddoris, A Stamatakis, RM Carelli
European Journal of Neuroscience 33 (12), 2274-2287, 2011
Lesions of orbitofrontal cortex impair rats' differential outcome expectancy learning but not conditioned stimulus-potentiated feeding
MA McDannald, MP Saddoris, M Gallagher, PC Holland
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (18), 4626-4632, 2005
Encoding changes in orbitofrontal cortex in reversal-impaired aged rats
G Schoenbaum, B Setlow, MP Saddoris, M Gallagher
Journal of neurophysiology 95 (3), 1509-1517, 2006
Prelimbic and infralimbic cortical regions differentially encode cocaine‐associated stimuli and cocaine‐seeking before and following abstinence
EA West, MP Saddoris, EC Kerfoot, RM Carelli
European Journal of Neuroscience 39 (11), 1891-1902, 2014
Differential dopamine release dynamics in the nucleus accumbens core and shell track distinct aspects of goal-directed behavior for sucrose
F Cacciapaglia, MP Saddoris, RM Wightman, RM Carelli
Neuropharmacology 62 (5-6), 2050-2056, 2012
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Articles 1–20