Alfred Taudes
Alfred Taudes
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Options analysis of software platform decisions: A case study
A Taudes, M Feurstein, A Mild
MIS quarterly, 227-243, 2000
Software growth options
A Taudes
Journal of Management Information Systems 15 (1), 165-185, 1998
A dynamic segmentation approach for targeting and customizing direct marketing campaigns
T Reutterer, A Mild, M Natter, A Taudes
Journal of interactive Marketing 20 (3-4), 43-57, 2006
Practice Prize Report—An Assortmentwide Decision-Support System for Dynamic Pricing and Promotion Planning in DIY Retailing
M Natter, T Reutterer, A Mild, A Taudes
Marketing Science 26 (4), 576-583, 2007
A multivariate polya model of brand choice and purchase incidence
U Wagner, A Taudes
Marketing Science 5 (3), 219-244, 1986
The effect of incentive schemes and organizational arrangements on the new product development process
M Natter, A Mild, M Feurstein, G Dorffner, A Taudes
Management Science 47 (8), 1029-1045, 2001
Practice Prize Report—Planning New Tariffs at tele.ring: The Application and Impact of an Integrated Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning Tool
M Natter, A Mild, U Wagner, A Taudes
Marketing Science 27 (4), 600-609, 2008
Stochastic models of consumer behaviour
U Wagner, A Taudes
European Journal of Operational Research 29 (1), 1-23, 1987
Bundling decisions in supply chains
A Chakravarty, A Mild, A Taudes
European Journal of Operational Research 231 (3), 617-630, 2013
Success factors of European hotel web sites.
KW Wöber, A Scharl, M Natter, A Taudes
Integrating inventory control and a price change in the presence of reference price effects: a two-period model
A Taudes, C Rudloff
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 75, 29-65, 2012
Implementation of a demand planning system using advance order information
H Haberleitner, H Meyr, A Taudes
International Journal of Production Economics 128 (2), 518-526, 2010
Integrating pricing and inventory control: is it worth the effort?
L Gimpl-Heersink, C Rudloff, M Fleischmann, A Taudes
Business Research 1, 106-123, 2008
Efficiency analysis of European Freight Villages: three peers for benchmarking
C Yang, A Taudes, G Dong
Central European Journal of Operations Research 25, 91-122, 2017
A hedonic wage model‐based methodology for evaluating the benefits of IT investments in public‐sector organisations
P Cilek, W Janko, S Koch, A Mild, A Taudes
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 17 (4), 269-275, 2004
Technological efficiency and organizational inertia: A model of the emergence of disruption
C Buchta, D Meyer, A Pfister, A Mild, A Taudes
Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory 9, 127-146, 2003
Real option valuation with neural networks
A Taudes, M Natter, M Trcka
Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance & Management 7 (1), 43-52, 1998
Implementing branch-and-bound algorithms on a cluster of workstations—A survey, some new results and open problems
A Taudes, T Netousek
Parallel Computing and Mathematical Optimization: Proceedings of the …, 1991
An information system for assessing the likelihood of child labor in supplier locations leveraging Bayesian networks and text mining
A Thöni, A Taudes, AM Tjoa
Information Systems and e-Business Management 16, 443-476, 2018
Organizational learning in production networks
A Taudes, M Trcka, M Lukanowicz
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 47 (2), 141-163, 2002
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