Ray S Fertig III
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Cited by
Uncorrelated volume element for stochastic modeling of microstructures based on local fiber volume fraction variation
SHR Sanei, RS Fertig III
Composites Science and Technology 117, 191-198, 2015
Stereolithography of SiOC polymer‐derived ceramics filled with SiC micronwhiskers
SA Brinckmann, N Patra, J Yao, TH Ware, CP Frick, RS Fertig III
Advanced Engineering Materials 20 (11), 1800593, 2018
Influence of constituent properties and microstructural parameters on the tensile modulus of a polymer/clay nanocomposite
RS Fertig III, MR Garnich
Composites science and technology 64 (16), 2577-2588, 2004
Temperature‐induced switchable adhesion using nickel–titanium–polydimethylsiloxane hybrid surfaces
M Frensemeier, JS Kaiser, CP Frick, AS Schneider, E Arzt, RS Fertig III, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 25 (20), 3013-3021, 2015
Simulation of dislocations and strength in thin films: A review
RS Fertig, SP Baker
Progress in Materials Science 54 (6), 874-908, 2009
Characterization, synthetic generation, and statistical equivalence of composite microstructures
SHR Sanei, EJ Barsotti, D Leonhardt, RS Fertig III
Journal of composite materials 51 (13), 1817-1829, 2017
Effects of thickness and fiber volume fraction variations on strain field inhomogeneity
EM Jensen, DA Leonhardt, RS Fertig III
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 69, 178-185, 2015
Bridging the gap between physics and large-scale structural analysis: a novel method for fatigue life prediction of composites
R Fertig
SAMPE 2009 Fall Technical Conference, 2009
Predicting variability in transverse effective elastic moduli and failure initiation strengths in UD composite microstructures due to randomness in fiber location and morphology
FH Bhuiyan, SHR Sanei, RS Fertig III
Composite Structures 237, 111887, 2020
Physics-based fatigue life prediction of composite structures
R Fertig, D Kenik
NAFEMS World Congress 2011 400, 12, 2011
Predicting composite fatigue life using constituent-level physics
R Fertig, D Kenik
52nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials …, 2011
Automated method to determine composite material constituent properties
R Fertig, E Nelson, D Robbins
US Patent 8,868,385, 2014
Monotonic and cyclic loading behavior of porous scaffolds made from poly (para-phenylene) for orthopedic applications
AJ Hoyt, CM Yakacki, RS Fertig III, RD Carpenter, CP Frick
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 41, 136-148, 2015
Internal restraint damage mechanism for age-induced pavement surface distresses: block cracking and raveling
MD Elwardany, G King, JP Planche, C Rodezno, D Christensen, ...
Journal of the Asphalt Paving Technologists, 2019
Combined peridynamics and kinetic theory of fracture for fatigue failure of composites under constant and variable amplitude loading
E Madenci, A Barut, A Yaghoobi, N Phan, RS Fertig III
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 112, 102824, 2021
Effect of fiber volume fraction variation across multiple length scales on composite stress variation: the possibility of stochastic multiscale analysis
RS Fertig, EM Jensen
55th AIAA/ASMe/ASCE/AHS/SC structures, structural dynamics, and materials …, 2014
Dislocation dynamics simulations of dislocation interactions and stresses in thin films
RS Fertig III, SP Baker
Acta materialia 58 (15), 5206-5218, 2010
Adjoint-based high-fidelity structural optimization of wind-turbine blade for load stress minimization
EM Anderson, FH Bhuiyan, DJ Mavriplis, RS Fertig III
AIAA Journal 57 (9), 4057-4070, 2019
Towards prediction of thermally induced microcrack initiation and closure in porous ceramics
RS Fertig Iii, ST Nickerson
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 99 (2), 581-588, 2016
Methodology for optimizing composite design via biological pattern generation mechanisms
SN Hankins, RS Fertig III
Materials & Design 197, 109208, 2021
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Articles 1–20