Olav Geil
Cited by
Cited by
On codes from norm–trace curves
O Geil
Finite fields and their Applications 9 (3), 351-371, 2003
On the structure of order domains
O Geil, R Pellikaan
Finite Fields and their Applications 8 (3), 369-396, 2002
Evaluation codes from order domain theory
HE Andersen, O Geil
Finite fields and their applications 14 (1), 92-123, 2008
Footprints or generalized Bezout's theorem
O Geil, T Hoholdt
IEEE Transactions on information theory 46 (2), 635-641, 2000
Fulcrum: Flexible network coding for heterogeneous devices
DE Lucani, MV Pedersen, D Ruano, CW Sørensen, FHP Fitzek, J Heide, ...
Ieee Access 6, 77890-77910, 2018
Weighted Reed–Muller codes revisited
O Geil, C Thomsen
Designs, codes and cryptography 66, 195-220, 2013
On the second weight of generalized Reed-Muller codes
O Geil
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 48, 323-330, 2008
On the order bounds for one-point AG codes
O Geil, C Munuera, D Ruano, F Torres
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 5 (3), 489-504, 2011
Evaluation codes from an affine variety code perspective
O Geil
Advances in algebraic geometry codes, 153-180, 2008
Relative generalized Hamming weights of one-point algebraic geometric codes
O Geil, S Martin, R Matsumoto, D Ruano, Y Luo
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 60 (10), 5938-5949, 2014
Fulcrum network codes: A code for fluid allocation of complexity
DE Lucani, MV Pedersen, D Ruano, CW Sørensen, FHP Fitzek, J Heide, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1404.6620, 2014
On hyperbolic codes
O Geil, T Høholdt
Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes: 14th …, 2001
Bounding the number of Fq-rational places in algebraic function fields using Weierstrass semigroups
O Geil, R Matsumoto
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 213 (6), 1152-1156, 2009
New binary and ternary LCD codes
C Galindo, O Geil, F Hernando, D Ruano
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 65 (2), 1008-1016, 2018
Feng–Rao decoding of primary codes
O Geil, R Matsumoto, D Ruano
Finite Fields and their Applications 23, 35-52, 2013
Digital Transformation at Aalborg University: Interdisciplinary Problem-and Project-Based Learning in a Post-Digital Age.
LB Bertel, I Askehave, H Brohus, O Geil, A Kolmos, N Ovesen, J Stoustrup
Advances in Engineering Education, 2021
On the distance of stabilizer quantum codes from J-affine variety codes
C Galindo, O Geil, F Hernando, D Ruano
Quantum Information Processing 16 (4), 111, 2017
Improved constructions of nested code pairs
C Galindo, O Geil, F Hernando, D Ruano
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 64 (4), 2444-2459, 2017
Relative Generalized Hamming weights of q-ary Reed-Muller codes
O Geil, S Martin
Advances in Mathematics of Communication 11 (3), 505-531, 2017
List decoding algorithms based on Gröbner bases for general one-point AG codes
O Geil, R Matsumoto, D Ruano
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings, 86-90, 2012
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Articles 1–20