X. Antón Álvarez-Salgado (ORCID: 0000-0002-2387-9201)
X. Antón Álvarez-Salgado (ORCID: 0000-0002-2387-9201)
Research Professor, CSIC Inst. Invest. Marinas (, Vigo (Spain)
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Cited by
Dissolved organic carbon leaching from plastics stimulates microbial activity in the ocean
C Romera-Castillo, M Pinto, TM Langer, XA Álvarez-Salgado, GJ Herndl
Nature Communications 9, 2018
Sub-regional ecosystem variability in the Canary Current upwelling
J Arístegui, ED Barton, XA Álvarez-Salgado, AMP Santos, FG Figueiras, ...
Progress in Oceanography 83 (1-4), 33-48, 2009
Production of chromophoric dissolved organic matter by marine phytoplankton
C Romera-Castillo, H Sarmento, XA Álvarez-Salgado, JM Gasol, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 55 (1), 446-454, 2010
Net production and consumption of fluorescent colored dissolved organic matter by natural bacterial assemblages growing on marine phytoplankton exudates
C Romera-Castillo, H Sarmento, XA Alvarez-Salgado, JM Gasol, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 77 (21), 7490-7498, 2011
Turnover time of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the dark global ocean
TS Catalá, I Reche, A Fuentes-Lema, C Romera-Castillo, M Nieto-Cid, ...
Nature communications 6, 2015
Global diversity and biogeography of deep-sea pelagic prokaryotes
G Salazar, FM Cornejo-Castillo, V Benítez-Barrios, E Fraile-Nuez, ...
The ISME Journal 10, 596-608, 2016
The Portugal coastal counter current off NW Spain: new insights on its biogeochemical variability
XA Alvarez-Salgado, FG Figueiras, FF Pérez, S Groom, E Nogueira, ...
Progress in Oceanography 56 (2), 281-321, 2003
Hydrographic variability off the Rías Baixas (NW Spain) during the upwelling season
XA Alvarez-Salgado, G Rosón, FF Pérez, Y Pazos
Journal of Geophysical Research 98, 14447-14455, 1993
Surface waters of the NW Iberian margin: Upwelling on the shelf versus outwelling of upwelled waters from the Rıas Baixas
XA Alvarez-Salgado, J Gago, BM Mıguez, M Gilcoto, FF Pérez
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 51 (6), 821-837, 2000
Simultaneous determination of dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen in seawater by high temperature catalytic oxidation: conditions for precise shipboard …
XA Alvarez-Salgado, AEJ Miller
Marine Chemistry 62 (3), 325-333, 1998
The water masses along the western boundary of the south and equatorial Atlantic
L Mémery, M Arhan, XA Álvarez-Salgado, MJ Messias, H Mercier, ...
Progress in Oceanography 47 (1), 69-98, 2000
Oceanography and Fisheires of the Canary Current/Iberian region of the Eastern North Atlantic (18a, E)
J Aristegui, XA Alvarez-Salgado, ED Barton, FG Figueiras, ...
The Sea 14, 877-931, 2006
Microbial and photochemical reactivity of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in a coastal upwelling system
M Nieto-Cid, XA Álvarez-Salgado, FF Pérez
Limnology and oceanography 51 (3), 1391-1400, 2006
Impacts of global change on ocean dissolved organic carbon (DOC) cycling
C Lønborg, C Carreira, T Jickells, XA Álvarez-Salgado
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 466, 2020
Renewal time and the impact of harmful algal blooms on the extensive mussel raft culture of the Iberian coastal upwelling system (SW Europe)
XA Álvarez-Salgado, U Labarta, MJ Fernández-Reiriz, FG Figueiras, ...
Harmful Algae 7 (6), 849-855, 2008
Dissolved organic carbon support of respiration in the dark ocean
J Arıstegui, CM Duarte, S Agustı, M Doval, XA Álvarez-Salgado, ...
Science 298 (5600), 1967-1967, 2002
New production of the NW Iberian shelf during the upwelling season over the period 1982–1999
XA Alvarez-Salgado, S Beloso, I Joint, E Nogueira, L Chou, FF Pérez, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 49 (10), 1725-1739, 2002
Bioavailability and bacterial degradation rates of dissolved organic matter in a temperate coastal area during an annual cycle
C Lønborg, K Davidson, XA Álvarez-Salgado, AEJ Miller
Marine Chemistry 113 (3), 219-226, 2009
Nitrogen cycling in an estuarine upwelling system, the Ría de Arousa (NW Spain). I. Short-time-scale patterns of hydrodynamic and biogeochemical circulation
XA Alvarez-Salgado, G Rosón, FF Perez, FG Figueiras, Y Pazos
Marine Ecology Progress Series 135, 259-273, 1996
Tolerance of juvenile Mytilus galloprovincialis to experimental seawater acidification
MJ Fernández-Reiriz, P Range, XA Álvarez-Salgado, J Espinosa, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 454, 65-74, 2012
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Articles 1–20