Radu State
Cited by
Cited by
Osiris: Hunting for integer bugs in ethereum smart contracts
F Torres, Christof, J Schütte, R State
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference …, 2018
Blockchain-based, decentralized access control for IPFS
M Steichen, B Fiz, R Norvill, W Shbair, R State
2018 Ieee international conference on internet of things (iThings) and ieee …, 2018
The art of the scam: Demystifying honeypots in ethereum smart contracts
CF Torres, M Steichen, R State
28th {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 19), 1591-1607, 2019
The Challenge of Non-Technical Loss Detection Using Artificial Intelligence: A Survey
FB Patrick Glauner, Jorge Augusto Meira, Petko Valtchev, Radu State
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 10 (1), 760-775, 2017
A blockchain-based PKI management framework
A Yakubov, W Shbair, A Wallbom, D Sanda
The First IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Managing and Managed by …, 2018
PhishStorm: Detecting phishing with streaming analytics
S Marchal, J François, R State, T Engel
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 11 (4), 458-471, 2014
Empirical assessment of machine learning-based malware detectors for Android: Measuring the gap between in-the-lab and in-the-wild validation scenarios
K Allix, TF Bissyandé, Q Jérome, J Klein, R State, Y Le Traon
Empirical Software Engineering 21, 183-211, 2016
A big data architecture for large scale security monitoring
S Marchal, X Jiang, R State, T Engel
2014 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, 56-63, 2014
BotTrack: tracking botnets using NetFlow and PageRank
J François, S Wang, R State, T Engel
NETWORKING 2011, 1-14, 2011
Malware behaviour analysis
G Wagener, R State, A Dulaunoy
Journal in computer virology 4 (4), 279-287, 2008
Frontrunner jones and the raiders of the dark forest: An empirical study of frontrunning on the ethereum blockchain
CF Torres, R Camino
30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21), 1343-1359, 2021
BotCloud: Detecting botnets using MapReduce
J Francois, S Wang, W Bronzi, R State, T Engel
Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), 2011 IEEE International Workshop …, 2011
Confuzzius: A data dependency-aware hybrid fuzzer for smart contracts
CF Torres, AK Iannillo, A Gervais, R State
2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), 103-119, 2021
KiF: a stateful SIP fuzzer
HJ Abdelnur, R State, O Festor
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Principles, systems and …, 2007
Machine learning approach for ip-flow record anomaly detection
C Wagner, J François, R State, T Engel
NETWORKING 2011. NETWORKING 2011 6640, 2011
Large-scale detection of non-technical losses in imbalanced data sets
P Glauner, A Boechat, L Dolberg, R State, F Bettinger, Y Rangoni, ...
2016 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2016
Using opcode-sequences to detect malicious Android applications
Q Jerome, K Allix, R State, T Engel
2014 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC), 914-919, 2014
Generating multi-categorical samples with generative adversarial networks
R Camino, C Hammerschmidt, R State
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.01202, 2018
Monitoring SIP Traffic Using Support Vector Machines
M Nassar, R State, O Festor
Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, 311-330, 2008
Self Adaptive High Interaction Honeypots Driven by Game Theory
G Wagener, R State, A Dulaunoy, T Engel
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Articles 1–20