Manuel Oliveira
Cited by
Cited by
Dominance and competence face to face: Dissociations obtained with a reverse correlation approach
M Oliveira, T Garcia‐Marques, R Dotsch, L Garcia‐Marques
European Journal of Social Psychology 49 (5), 888-902, 2019
Good to bad or bad to bad? What is the relationship between valence and the trait content of the Big Two?
M Oliveira, T Garcia-Marques, L Garcia-Marques, R Dotsch
European Journal of Social Psychology 50 (2), 463-483, 2020
Evaluating young and old faces on social dimensions: Trusthworthiness and dominance
T Ramos, M Oliveira, AS Correia Dos Santos, L Garcia-Marques, ...
Psicológica 37 (2), 169-185, 2016
The effect of facial occlusion on facial impressions of trustworthiness and dominance
M Oliveira, T Garcia-Marques
Memory & cognition 50 (6), 1131-1146, 2022
That person is now with or without a mask: How encoding context modulates identity recognition
T Garcia-Marques, M Oliveira, L Nunes
Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 7 (1), 29, 2022
Paradigma: Teste de associação implícita
M Oliveira, MP Miranda
Laboratório de Psicologia 10, 235-249, 2012
Combining Traits Into a Face: A Reverse Correlation Approach
M Oliveira, T Garcia-Marques, R Dotsch
Social Cognition 37 (5), 516-545, 2019
Are Natural Faces Merely Labelled as Artificial Trusted Less?
B Liefooghe, M Oliveira, LM Leisten, E Hoogers, H Aarts, R Hortensius
Collabra: Psychology 9 (1), 73066, 2023
Faces merely labelled as artificial are trusted less
B Liefooghe, MJB Oliveira, LM Leisten, E Hoogers, H Aarts, R Hortensius
PsyArXiv, 2022
The cultural stereotype of professional groups: Consensus, accessibility and typicality of stereotypic contents
AS Santos, F de Almeida, TA Palma, M Oliveira, L Garcia-Marques
Análise Psicológica 35 (4), 557-568, 2017
Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence system's aptitude to judge morality and competence amidst the rise of chatbots
M Oliveira, J Brands, J Mashudi, B Liefooghe, R Hortensius
PsyArXiv, 2023
Validation of Four Automated Scoring Algorithms Implemented in the Philips IntelliSpace Cognition (ISC) Digital Test Battery (4097)
S Vermeent, M Spaltman, G van Elswijk, J Vogt, S Naderi, M Oliveira, ...
Neurology 96 (15 Supplement), 2021
Evidence for Reliability and Validity of the Philips IntelliSpace Cognition (ISC) Digital Test Battery in a Healthy US-Based Sample (4100)
S Vermeent, M Spaltman, G van Elswijk, M Oliveira, B Schmand
Neurology 96 (15 Supplement), 2021
The structuring role of valence in the relationship between and within models of face and trait impressions
MJB Oliveira
ISPA - Instituto Universitário, 2019
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Articles 1–14