Douglas J Miller
Douglas J Miller
Associate Professor, Rutgers Business School
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An empirical examination of transaction‐and firm‐level influences on the vertical boundaries of the firm
MJ Leiblein, DJ Miller
Strategic management journal 24 (9), 839-859, 2003
The use of knowledge for technological innovation within diversified firms
DJ Miller, MJ Fern, LB Cardinal
Academy of Management journal 50 (2), 307-325, 2007
Technological diversity, related diversification, and firm performance
DJ Miller
Strategic Management Journal 27 (7), 601-619, 2006
Firms' technological resources and the performance effects of diversification: a longitudinal study
DJ Miller
Strategic Management Journal 25 (11), 1097-1119, 2004
Competitive advantage and performance: the impact of value creation and costliness of imitation
J Grahovac, DJ Miller
Strategic management journal 30 (11), 1192-1212, 2009
The impact of the timing of patents on innovation performance
B Kim, E Kim, DJ Miller, JT Mahoney
Research Policy 45 (4), 914-928, 2016
Implications of internal organization structure for firm boundaries
C Weigelt, DJ Miller
Strategic Management Journal 34 (12), 1411-1434, 2013
The dynamics of diversification: Market entry and exit by public and private firms
DJ Miller, HS Yang
Strategic Management Journal 37 (11), 2323-2345, 2016
Product turnover: Simultaneous product market entry and exit
DJ Miller, H Yang
Resource redeployment and corporate strategy, 49-87, 2016
Corporate renewal through internal innovation: The four ‘R’s of corporate bricolage
DJ Miller
Strategic Management Review 2 (2), 323-354, 2021
Collaboration in the shadow of the technology frontier: Evidence from the flat panel display industry
IK Wang, H Yang, DJ Miller
Managerial and Decision Economics 36 (7), 456-469, 2015
Employer perspectives
DJ Miller, JB Barney
The shadow workforce: Perspectives on contingent work in the United States …, 2006
Corporate diversification, relatedness, and performance
DJ Miller
The Ohio State University, 2000
Strategizing, disequilibrium and profit
D Miller, J Mahoney
British Journal of Management 19 (3), 294, 2008
Merger of Equals? The Path Toward the Integration of New Jersey’s Largest Universities
D Miller, CA Golembeski
The Path Toward the Integration of New Jersey’s Largest Universities …, 2019
Commercializing, catalyzing or cutting innovation? The roles of large acquirers in US global competitiveness
DJ Miller, JB Sears
Restoring America’s Global Competitiveness through Innovation, 101-125, 2013
Innovation paths: how the intra-firm evolution of technological innovations affects innovation search and innovation impact
K Liu, DJ Miller
International Journal of Strategic Change Management 5 (1), 1-29, 2013
Restructuring Health Sciences Higher Education in New Jersey: Strategy, Scope, and Implementation
D Miller, CA Golembeski
Rutgers Business Review 4 (2), 2019
Balance Across Firms: Exploration and Exploitation in Alliances Between Platform Participants
K Guler, D Miller
Available at SSRN 3413876, 2019
Competing through a Flexible Workforce
DJ Miller, JB Barney
The shadow workforce: Perspectives on contingent work in the United States …, 2006
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