Nikolaus Sonnenschein
Nikolaus Sonnenschein
Ginkgo Bioworks
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Cited by
A community-driven global reconstruction of human metabolism
I Thiele, N Swainston, RMT Fleming, A Hoppe, S Sahoo, MK Aurich, ...
Nature biotechnology 31 (5), 419-425, 2013
Escher: a web application for building, sharing, and embedding data-rich visualizations of biological pathways
ZA King, A Dräger, A Ebrahim, N Sonnenschein, NE Lewis, BO Palsson
PLoS computational biology 11 (8), e1004321, 2015
MEMOTE for standardized genome-scale metabolic model testing
C Lieven, ME Beber, BG Olivier, FT Bergmann, M Ataman, P Babaei, ...
Nature biotechnology 38 (3), 272-276, 2020
A consensus S. cerevisiae metabolic model Yeast8 and its ecosystem for comprehensively probing cellular metabolism
H Lu, F Li, BJ Sánchez, Z Zhu, G Li, I Domenzain, S Marcišauskas, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3586, 2019
Personalized Whole-Cell Kinetic Models of Metabolism for Discovery in Genomics and Pharmacodynamics
A Bordbar, D McCloskey, DC Zielinski, N Sonnenschein, N Jamshidi, ...
Cell Systems 1 (4), 283-292, 2015
Reconstruction of a catalogue of genome-scale metabolic models with enzymatic constraints using GECKO 2.0
I Domenzain, B Sánchez, M Anton, EJ Kerkhoven, A Millán-Oropeza, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 3766, 2022
Evolution reveals a glutathione-dependent mechanism of 3-hydroxypropionic acid tolerance
KR Kildegaard, BM Hallström, TH Blicher, N Sonnenschein, NB Jensen, ...
Metabolic engineering 26, 57-66, 2014
Improving reproducibility in synthetic biology
MM Jessop-Fabre, N Sonnenschein
Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 7, 436850, 2019
Engineering an NADPH/NADP+ Redox Biosensor in Yeast
J Zhang, N Sonnenschein, TPB Pihl, KR Pedersen, MK Jensen, ...
ACS synthetic biology 5 (12), 1546-1556, 2016
Integration of enzymatic data in Bacillus subtilis genome-scale metabolic model improves phenotype predictions and enables in silico design of poly-γ-glutamic acid production …
MJ Massaiu, I., Pasotti, L., Sonnenschein, N., Rama, E., Cavaletti, M ...
Microbial Cell Factories 18 (3), 2019
Whole-cell modeling in yeast predicts compartment-specific proteome constraints that drive metabolic strategies
IE Elsemman, A Rodriguez Prado, P Grigaitis, M Garcia Albornoz, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 801, 2022
Cameo: A Python Library for Computer Aided Metabolic Engineering and Optimization of Cell Factories
JGR Cardoso, K Jensen, C Lieven, AS Lćrke Hansen, S Galkina, ...
ACS synthetic biology 7 (4), 1163-1166, 2018
Do genome‐scale models need exact solvers or clearer standards?
A Ebrahim, E Almaas, E Bauer, A Bordbar, AP Burgard, RL Chang, ...
Molecular Systems Biology 11 (10), 831, 2015
Analog regulation of metabolic demand
N Sonnenschein, M Geertz, G Muskhelishvili, MT Hütt
BMC systems biology 5 (1), 40, 2011
A genome-scale metabolic model for Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) suggests reduced efficiency electron transfer to the particulate methane monooxygenase
C Lieven, LAH Petersen, SB Jřrgensen, KV Gernaey, MJ Herrgard, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 2947, 2018
Systems biology solutions for biochemical production challenges
ASL Hansen, RM Lennen, N Sonnenschein, MJ Herrgĺrd
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 45, 85-91, 2017
OptCouple: Joint simulation of gene knockouts, insertions and medium modifications for prediction of growth-coupled strain designs
K Jensen, V Broeken, ASL Hansen, N Sonnenschein, MJ Herrgĺrd
Metabolic engineering communications 8, e00087, 2019
Artefacts in statistical analyses of network motifs: general framework and application to metabolic networks
ME Beber, C Fretter, S Jain, N Sonnenschein, M Müller-Hannemann, ...
Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 2012
Analysis of genetic variation and potential applications in genome-scale metabolic modeling
JGR Cardoso, MR Andersen, MJ Herrgĺrd, N Sonnenschein
Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 3, 13, 2015
Genome-Wide CRISPRi-Based Identification of Targets for Decoupling Growth from Production
S Li, CB Jendresen, J Landberg, LE Pedersen, N Sonnenschein, ...
ACS Synthetic Biology 9 (5), 1030-1040, 2020
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Articles 1–20