Mikael Nilsson
Cited by
Cited by
Face detection using local SMQT features and split up snow classifier
M Nilsson, J Nordberg, I Claesson
2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2007
The successive mean quantization transform
M Nilsson, M Dahl, I Claesson
Proceedings.(ICASSP'05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 2005
Speech recognition using hidden markov model
M Nilsson, M Ejnarsson
Adaptive Fingerprint Image Enhancement with Emphasis on Pre-processing of Data
JS Bartunek, M Nilsson, B Sallberg, I Claesson
IEEE transactions on image processing, 1-1, 2013
Development of automatic surveillance of animal behaviour and welfare using image analysis and machine learned segmentation technique
M Nilsson, AH Herlin, H Ardö, O Guzhva, K Åström, C Bergsten
Animal 9 (11), 1859-1865, 2015
Vascular intersection detection in retina fundus images using a new hybrid approach
AM Aibinu, MI Iqbal, AA Shafie, MJE Salami, M Nilsson
Computers in Biology and Medicine 40 (1), 81-89, 2010
Feasibility study for the implementation of an automatic system for the detection of social interactions in the waiting area of automatic milking stations by using a video …
O Guzhva, H Ardö, A Herlin, M Nilsson, K Åström, C Bergsten
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 127, 506-509, 2016
Fast classification of empty and occupied parking spaces using integral channel features
M Ahrnbom, K Astrom, M Nilsson
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016
Adaptive fingerprint binarization by frequency domain analysis
JS Bartunek, M Nilsson, J Nordberg, I Claesson
2006 Fortieth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 598-602, 2006
Now you see me: Convolutional neural network based tracker for dairy cows
O Guzhva, H Ardö, M Nilsson, A Herlin, L Tufvesson
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 5, 107, 2018
Gray-scale image enhancement using the SMQT
M Nilsson, M Dahl, I Claesson
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2005 1, I-933, 2005
Automatic diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy using fundus images
MI Iqbal, AM Aibinu, NS Gubbal, A Khan
Visdrone-mot2019: The vision meets drone multiple object tracking challenge results
L Wen, P Zhu, D Du, X Bian, H Ling, Q Hu, J Zheng, T Peng, X Wang, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2019
A public video dataset for road transportation applications
N Saunier, H Ardö, JP Jodoin, A Laureshyn, M Nilsson, Å Svensson, ...
93th TRB Annual Meeting, 2014
Implementation and evaluation of NIST Biometric Image Software for fingerprint recognition
S Maddala, JS Bartůněk, M Nilsson
2010 International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, 207-211, 2010
A new method of correcting uneven illumination problem in fundus image
AM Aibinu, MI Iqbal, M Nilsson, MJE Salami
First order hidden markov model: Theory and implementation issues
M Nilsson
Volumetric modulated arc therapy dose prediction and deliverable treatment plan generation for prostate cancer patients using a densely connected deep learning model
M Lempart, H Benedek, CJ Gustafsson, M Nilsson, N Eliasson, S Bäck, ...
Physics and imaging in radiation oncology 19, 112-119, 2021
Automatic diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy from fundus images using digital signal and image processing techniques
AM Aibinu, MI Iqbal, M Nilsson, MJE Salami
International Conference on Robotics, Vision, Information, and Signal Processing, 2011
Classification of Raman spectra to detect hidden explosives
NR Butt, M Nilsson, A Jakobsson, M Nordberg, A Pettersson, S Wallin, ...
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 8 (3), 517-521, 2010
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Articles 1–20