Guide to the otoliths of the bony fishes of the Northeast Atlantic T Härkönen Danbiu ApS. biological consultants, 1986 | 774 | 1986 |
The 1988 and 2002 phocine distemper virus epidemics in European harbour seals T Härkönen, R Dietz, P Reijnders, J Teilmann, K Harding, A Hall, ... Diseases of aquatic organisms 68 (2), 115-130, 2006 | 346 | 2006 |
Global threats to pinnipeds. KM Kovacs, A Aguilar, D Aurioles, V Burkanov, C Campagna, N Gales, ... Marine Mammal Science 28 (2), 2012 | 301 | 2012 |
Mass deaths of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in Europe R Dietz, MP Heide-Jorgensen, T Harkonen Ambio 18 (5), 258-264, 1989 | 286 | 1989 |
Development in the Baltic grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) and ringed seal (Phoca hispida) populations during the 20th century KC Harding, TJ Härkönen Ambio, 619-627, 1999 | 283 | 1999 |
Retrospective of the 1988 European seal epizootic. MP Heide-Jørgensen, T Härkönen, R Dietz, PM Thompson | 200 | 1992 |
Competition for the fish–fish extraction from the Baltic Sea by humans, aquatic mammals, and birds S Hansson, U Bergström, E Bonsdorff, T Härkönen, N Jepsen, L Kautsky, ... ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 (3), 999-1008, 2018 | 167 | 2018 |
Status of Baltic grey seals: Population assessment and extinction risk KC Harding, T Härkönen, B Helander, O Karlsson NAMMCO Scientific Publications 6, 33-56, 2007 | 157 | 2007 |
Age‐ and sex‐specific behaviour in harbour seals Phoca vitulina leads to biased estimates of vital population parameters T Härkönen, KC Hårding, SG Lunneryd Journal of Applied Ecology 36 (5), 825-841, 1999 | 156 | 1999 |
Seasonal and regional variations in the feeding habits of the harbour seal, Phoca vitulina, in the Skagerrak and the Kattegat T Härkönen Journal of Zoology 213 (3), 535-543, 1987 | 151 | 1987 |
Comparative life histories of East Atlantic and other harbour seal populations T Härkönen, MP Heide-Jørgensen Ophelia 32 (3), 211-235, 1990 | 150 | 1990 |
Spatial structure of harbour seal populations and the implications thereof T Härkönen, KC Harding Canadian Journal of Zoology 79 (12), 2115-2127, 2001 | 149 | 2001 |
Antibodies to canine distemper virus in Antarctic seals JL Bengtson, P Boveng, U Franzen, P Have, MP Heide‐Jørgensen, ... Marine Mammal Science 7 (1), 85-87, 1991 | 145 | 1991 |
Age determination of european harbour seal, Phoca Vitulina L. R Dietz, MP Heide-Jørgensen, T Härkönen, J Teilmann, N Valentin Sarsia 76 (1-2), 17-21, 1991 | 141 | 1991 |
Mass‐dependent energetics and survival in harbour seal pups KC Harding, M Fujiwara, Y Axberg, T Härkönen Functional Ecology 19 (1), 129-135, 2005 | 138 | 2005 |
Avian influenza A (H10N7) virus involvement in mass mortality of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Sweden, March through October 2014 S Zohari, A Neimanis, T Härkönen, C Moraeus, JF Valarcher Eurosurveillance 19 (46), 20967, 2014 | 122 | 2014 |
The 2002 European seal plague: epidemiology and population consequences K C. Harding, T Härkönen, H Caswell Ecology Letters 5 (6), 727-732, 2002 | 107 | 2002 |
The harbour seal Phoca vitulina as a predator in the Skagerrak T Härkönen, MP Heide-Jørgensen Ophelia 34 (3), 191-207, 1991 | 107 | 1991 |
Prevalence of skull lesions in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in Swedish and Danish museum collections: 1835-1988. P Mortensen, A Bergman, A Bignert, HJ Hansen, T Härkönen, M Olsson | 99 | 1992 |
Rebuilding seal stocks in the Kattegat‐Skagerrak MP Heide‐Jørgensen, TJ Härkönen Marine Mammal Science 4 (3), 231-246, 1988 | 89 | 1988 |