Chih-Ying Su
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Cited by
Odorant reception in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae
AF Carey, G Wang, CY Su, LJ Zwiebel, JR Carlson
Nature 464 (7285), 66-71, 2010
Olfactory perception: receptors, cells, and circuits
CY Su, K Menuz, JR Carlson
Cell 139 (1), 45-59, 2009
Non-synaptic inhibition between grouped neurons in an olfactory circuit
CY Su, K Menuz, J Reisert, JR Carlson
Nature 492 (7427), 66-71, 2012
Parietal-eye phototransduction components and their potential evolutionary implications
CY Su, DG Luo, A Terakita, Y Shichida, HW Liao, MA Kazmi, TP Sakmar, ...
Science 311 (5767), 1617-1621, 2006
Hormonal modulation of pheromone detection enhances male courtship success
HH Lin, DS Cao, S Sethi, Z Zeng, JSR Chin, TS Chakraborty, ...
Neuron 90 (6), 1272-1285, 2016
Neuromodulation of Innate Behaviors in Drosophila
SM Kim, CY Su, JW Wang
Annual review of neuroscience 40 (1), 327-348, 2017
Temporal coding of odor mixtures in an olfactory receptor neuron
CY Su, C Martelli, T Emonet, JR Carlson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (12), 5075-5080, 2011
Malaria parasites produce volatile mosquito attractants
M Kelly, CY Su, C Schaber, JR Crowley, FF Hsu, JR Carlson, AR Odom
MBio 6 (2), 10.1128/mbio. 00235-15, 2015
High-quality ultrastructural preservation using cryofixation for 3D electron microscopy of genetically labeled tissues
TK Tsang, EA Bushong, D Boassa, J Hu, B Romoli, S Phan, D Dulcis, ...
Elife 7, e35524, 2018
Asymmetric ephaptic inhibition between compartmentalized olfactory receptor neurons
Y Zhang, TK Tsang, EA Bushong, LA Chu, AS Chiang, MH Ellisman, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 1-16, 2019
Social context enhances hormonal modulation of pheromone detection in Drosophila
S Sethi, HH Lin, AK Shepherd, PC Volkan, CY Su, JW Wang
Current Biology 29 (22), 3887-3898. e4, 2019
Modulation of neural circuits: how stimulus context shapes innate behavior in Drosophila
CY Su, JW Wang
Current opinion in neurobiology 29, 9-16, 2014
Amplification of Drosophila olfactory responses by a DEG/ENaC channel
R Ng, SS Salem, ST Wu, M Wu, HH Lin, AK Shepherd, WJ Joiner, ...
Neuron 104 (5), 947-959. e5, 2019
An ammonium transporter is a non-canonical olfactory receptor for ammonia
A Vulpe, HS Kim, S Ballou, ST Wu, V Grabe, CN Gonzales, T Liang, ...
Current Biology 31 (15), 3382-3390. e7, 2021
Systematic morphological and morphometric analysis of identified olfactory receptor neurons in Drosophila melanogaster
CN Gonzales, Q McKaughan, EA Bushong, K Cauwenberghs, R Ng, ...
eLife 10, 2021.04.28.441861, 2021
Mating increases Drosophila melanogaster females’ choosiness by reducing olfactory sensitivity to a male pheromone
P Kohlmeier, Y Zhang, JA Gorter, CY Su, JC Billeter
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1-9, 2021
Photochemical nature of parietopsin
K Sakai, Y Imamoto, CY Su, H Tsukamoto, T Yamashita, A Terakita, ...
Biochemistry 51 (9), 1933-1941, 2012
Valence opponency in peripheral olfactory processing
ST Wu, JY Chen, V Martin, R Ng, Y Zhang, D Grover, RJ Greenspan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (5), e2120134119, 2022
Neuronal compartmentalization: a means to integrate sensory input at the earliest stage of information processing?
R Ng, ST Wu, CY Su
BioEssays 42 (8), 2000026, 2020
Electrophysiological recording from Drosophila trichoid sensilla in response to odorants of low volatility
R Ng, HH Lin, JW Wang, CY Su
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 56147, 2017
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Articles 1–20