Roberto Maria Gavioso
Roberto Maria Gavioso
Thermodynamics Division, INRiM
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Acoustic gas thermometry
MR Moldover, RM Gavioso, JB Mehl, L Pitre, M de Podesta, JT Zhang
Metrologia 51 (1), R1, 2014
Polarizability of helium and gas metrology
JW Schmidt, RM Gavioso, EF May, MR Moldover
Physical review letters 98 (25), 254504, 2007
Acoustic measurements of the thermodynamic temperature between the triple point of mercury and 380 K
G Benedetto, RM Gavioso, R Spagnolo, P Marcarino, A Merlone
Metrologia 41 (1), 74, 2004
Speed of sound in pure water at temperatures between 274 and 394 K and at pressures up to 90 MPa
G Benedetto, RM Gavioso, PAG Albo, S Lago, DM Ripa, R Spagnolo
International journal of thermophysics 26, 1667-1680, 2005
A determination of the Boltzmann constant from speed of sound measurements in helium at a single thermodynamic state
RM Gavioso, G Benedetto, PAG Albo, DM Ripa, A Merlone, C Guianvarc'h, ...
Metrologia 47 (4), 387, 2010
The Boltzmann project
J Fischer, B Fellmuth, C Gaiser, T Zandt, L Pitre, F Sparasci, MD Plimmer, ...
Metrologia 55 (2), R1, 2018
A determination of the molar gas constant R by acoustic thermometry in helium
RM Gavioso, DM Ripa, PPM Steur, C Gaiser, D Truong, C Guianvarc’h, ...
Metrologia 52 (5), S274, 2015
Characterization of condenser microphones under different environmental conditions for accurate speed of sound measurements with acoustic resonators
C Guianvarc’h, RM Gavioso, G Benedetto, L Pitre, M Bruneau
Review of scientific instruments 80 (7), 2009
Determination of the thermodynamic temperature between 236 K and 430 K from speed of sound measurements in helium
RM Gavioso, DM Ripa, PPM Steur, R Dematteis, D Imbraguglio
Metrologia 56 (4), 045006, 2019
The euramet metrology research programme project implementing the new Kelvin (INK)
G Machin, J Engert, RM Gavioso, M Sadli, ER Woolliams
International Journal of Thermophysics 35, 405-416, 2014
Characterization of the volume and shape of quasi-spherical resonators using coordinate measurement machines
M De Podesta, EF May, JB Mehl, L Pitre, RM Gavioso, G Benedetto, ...
Metrologia 47 (5), 588, 2010
Progress towards the determination of thermodynamic temperature with ultra-low uncertainty
RM Gavioso, DM Ripa, PPM Steur, C Gaiser, T Zandt, B Fellmuth, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2016
Vapor-phase Helmholtz equation for HFC-227ea from speed-of-sound measurements
G Benedetto, RM Gavioso, R Spagnolo, M Grigiante, G Scalabrin
International journal of thermophysics 22, 1073-1088, 2001
Microwave determination of water mole fraction in humid gas mixtures
R Cuccaro, RM Gavioso, G Benedetto, D Madonna Ripa, V Fernicola, ...
International Journal of Thermophysics 33, 1352-1362, 2012
Measurement of microphone membrane displacement with an optical beam deflection technique
G Benedetto, R Gavioso, R Spagnolo
Review of scientific instruments 66 (12), 5563-5566, 1995
A microwave resonance dew-point hygrometer
RJ Underwood, R Cuccaro, S Bell, RM Gavioso, DM Ripa, M Stevens, ...
Measurement Science and Technology 23 (8), 085905, 2012
Progress in INRiM experiment for the determination of the Boltzmann constant with a quasi-spherical resonator
RM Gavioso, G Benedetto, D Madonna Ripa, PA Giuliano Albo, ...
International Journal of Thermophysics 32, 1339-1354, 2011
Vapor phase acoustic measurements for R125 and development of a Helmholtz free energy equation
M Grigiante, G Scalabrin, G Benedetto, RM Gavioso, R Spagnolo
Fluid phase equilibria 174 (1-2), 69-79, 2000
Refractive index gas thermometry between 13.8 K and 161.4 K
DM Ripa, D Imbraguglio, C Gaiser, PPM Steur, D Giraudi, M Fogliati, ...
Metrologia 58 (2), 025008, 2021
Summary of achievements of the European Metrology Research Programme Project “Implementing the new Kelvin”(InK 1)
G Machin, J Engert, RM Gavioso, M Sadli, E Woolliams
Measurement 94, 149-156, 2016
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Articles 1–20