Patricia Wiberg
Patricia Wiberg
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Calculations of the critical shear stress for motion of uniform and heterogeneous sediments
PL Wiberg, JD Smith
Water resources research 23 (8), 1471-1480, 1987
Flow and sediment transport on a tidal salt marsh surface
T Christiansen, PL Wiberg, TG Milligan
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 50 (3), 315-331, 2000
Elements of physical hydrology
GM Hornberger, PL Wiberg, JP Raffensperger, P D'Odorico
JHU Press, 2014
A tsunami deposit at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in Texas
J Bourgeois, TA Hansen, PL Wiberg, EG Kauffman
Science 241 (4865), 567-570, 1988
Ripple geometry in wave‐dominated environments
PL Wiberg, CK Harris
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 99 (C1), 775-789, 1994
A theoretical model for saltating grains in water
PL Wiberg, JD Smith
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 90 (C4), 7341-7354, 1985
Calculating wave-generated bottom orbital velocities from surface-wave parameters
PL Wiberg, CR Sherwood
Computers & Geosciences 34 (10), 1243-1262, 2008
Velocity distribution and bed roughness in high‐gradient streams
PL Wiberg, JD Smith
Water Resources Research 27 (5), 825-838, 1991
Model for calculating bed load transport of sediment
PL Wiberg, J Dungan Smith
Journal of hydraulic engineering 115 (1), 101-123, 1989
Stability and bistability of seagrass ecosystems in shallow coastal lagoons: Role of feedbacks with sediment resuspension and light attenuation
J Carr, P D'Odorico, K McGlathery, PL Wiberg
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115 (G3), 2010
Sediment resuspension and bed armoring during high bottom stress events on the northern California inner continental shelf: measurements and predictions
PL Wiberg, DE Drake, DA Cacchione
Continental Shelf Research 14 (10-11), 1191-1219, 1994
A mixing layer theory for flow resistance in shallow streams
G Katul, P Wiberg, J Albertson, G Hornberger
Water Resources Research 38 (11), 32-1-32-8, 2002
Observations and modeling of wave-supported sediment gravity flows on the Po prodelta and comparison to prior observations from the Eel shelf
P Traykovski, PL Wiberg, WR Geyer
Continental Shelf Research 27 (3-4), 375-399, 2007
Importance of wind conditions, fetch, and water levels on wave‐generated shear stresses in shallow intertidal basins
S Fagherazzi, PL Wiberg
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 114 (F3), 2009
Wind-driven sediment suspension controls light availability in a shallow coastal lagoon
SE Lawson, PL Wiberg, KJ McGlathery, DC Fugate
Estuaries and Coasts 30, 102-112, 2007
Marsh collapse does not require sea level rise
S Fagherazzi, G Mariotti, PL Wiberg, KJ McGlathery
Oceanography 26 (3), 70-77, 2013
Bed roughness produced by saltating sediment
PL Wiberg, DM Rubin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 94 (C4), 5011-5016, 1989
A comparison of field data and theoretical models for wave-current interactions at the bed on the continental shelf
P Wiberg, JD Smith
Continental Shelf Research 2 (2-3), 147-162, 1983
A two-dimensional, time-dependent model of suspended sediment transport and bed reworking for continental shelves
CK Harris, PL Wiberg
Computers & Geosciences 27 (6), 675-690, 2001
Influence of storm surges and sea level on shallow tidal basin erosive processes
G Mariotti, S Fagherazzi, PL Wiberg, KJ McGlathery, L Carniello, A Defina
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 115 (C11), 2010
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