Ulrik Kjaer
Ulrik Kjaer
Professor political science, University of Southern Denmark
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Citeret af
Citeret af
(2010). Municipal Amalgamations and the Democratic Functioning of Local Councils: The Danish 2007 Structural Reform as Case
U Kjær, U Hjelmar, AL Olsen
Local Government Studies 36 (4), 569-585, 2010
Local party system nationalisation: Does municipal size matter?
U Kjaer, J Elklit
Local Government Studies 36 (3), 425-444, 2010
The gendered division of labor in assignments to political committees: Discrimination or self-selection in Danish local politics?
M Baekgaard, U Kjaer
Politics & Gender 8 (4), 465-482, 2012
Kommunestørrelse og lokalt demokrati
U Kjær, PE Mouritzen
Hans Christian Andersen Center, University of Southern Denmark, University …, 2003
Local political leadership: The art of circulating political capital
U Kjaer
Local Government Studies 39 (2), 253-272, 2013
Why so few and why so slow? Women as parliamentary representatives in Europe from a longitudinal perspective
V Christmas-Best, U Kjaer
Democratic Representation in Europe–Diversity, Change and Convergence, 77-105, 2007
Party politicisation of local councils: Cultural or institutional explanations for trends in Denmark, 1966–2005
U Kjaer, J Elklit
European journal of political research 49 (3), 337-358, 2010
Political representation and geographical bias in amalgamated local governments
M Jakobsen, U Kjaer
Local Government Studies 42 (2), 208-227, 2016
The geographical dimension of parliamentary recruitment: among native sons and parachutists
MN Pedersen, U Kjaer, K Eliassen
Democratic representation in Europe: Diversity, change and convergence, 160-190, 2007
The decreasing number of candidates at Danish local elections: Local democracy in crisis?
U Kjaer
Local Government Studies 33 (2), 195-213, 2007
Lokalt politisk lederskab
R Berg, U Kjær
Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2007
The impact of assembly size on representativeness
U Kjaer, J Elklit
The Journal of Legislative Studies 20 (2), 156-173, 2014
The mayor’s political career
U Kjær
The European Mayor: Political Leaders in the Changing Context of Local …, 2006
Den danske borgmester
R Berg, U Kjær
Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2005
The blame game: analyzing gender bias in Danish local elections
U Kjaer, ML Krook
Politics, Groups, and Identities, 2019
Second thoughts on second-order?: Towards a second-tier model of local government elections and voting
U Kjær, K Steyvers
The Routledge handbook of international local government, 405-417, 2018
The hourglass pattern of women’s representation
U Kjaer, K Kosiara-Pedersen
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 29 (3), 299-317, 2019
Split‐ticket voting in times of sub‐national government reorganisation: Evidence from Denmark
J Elklit, U Kjær
Scandinavian Political Studies 32 (4), 422-439, 2009
Are Danes More Inclined to Ticket Splitting than the Swedes and the English?1
J Elklit, U Kjær
Scandinavian Political Studies 28 (2), 125-139, 2005
Saturation without parity: The stagnating number of female councillors in Denmark
U Kjaer
Elites, Parties and Democracy: Festskrift for Professor Mogens N. Pedersen …, 1999
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