Sebastian Ureta
Sebastian Ureta
College UC & Instituto para el Desarrollo Sustentable, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
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Cited by
To move or not to move? Social exclusion, accessibility and daily mobility among the low‐income population in Santiago, Chile
S Ureta
Mobilities 3 (2), 269-289, 2008
Mobilising poverty?: Mobile phone use and everyday spatial mobility among low-income families in Santiago, Chile
S Ureta
Understanding Creative Users of ICTs, 99-108, 2013
Normalizing Transantiago: On the challenges (and limits) of repairing infrastructures
S Ureta
Social studies of science 44 (3), 368-392, 2014
Assembling policy: Transantiago, human devices, and the dream of a world-class society
S Ureta
Mit Press, 2015
Caring for waste: Handling tailings in a Chilean copper mine
S Ureta
Environment and Planning A 48 (8), 1532-1548, 2016
Policy assemblages: proposing an alternative conceptual framework to study public action
S Ureta
Policy studies 35 (3), 303-318, 2014
Frail modernities: Latin American infrastructures between repair and ruination
R Velho, S Ureta
Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society 2 (1), 428-441, 2019
Domesticating homes: Material transformation and decoration among low-income families in Santiago, Chile
S Ureta
Home Cultures 4 (3), 311-336, 2007
Economizing justice: Turning equity claims into lower energy tariffs in Chile
C Alvial-Palavicino, S Ureta
Energy Policy 105, 642-647, 2017
Waiting for the Barbarians: disciplinary devices on Metro de Santiago
S Ureta
Organization 20 (4), 596-614, 2013
The shelter that wasn’t there: On the politics of co-ordinating multiple urban assemblages in Santiago, Chile
S Ureta
Urban Studies 51 (2), 231-246, 2014
Problematizing markets: market failures and the government of collective concerns
J Ossandón, S Ureta
Economy and Society 48 (2), 175-196, 2019
Baselining nature: An introduction
S Ureta, T Lekan, WG von Hardenberg
Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 3 (1), 3-19, 2020
A failed platform: The citizen consensus conference travels to Chile
S Ureta
Public Understanding of Science 25 (4), 499-511, 2016
Ruination science: Producing knowledge from a toxic world
S Ureta
Science, Technology, & Human Values 46 (1), 29-52, 2021
Don’t wake up the dragon! Monstrous geontologies in a mining waste impoundment
S Ureta, P Flores
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 36 (6), 1063-1080, 2018
Manejando por Santiago: Explorando el uso de automóviles por parte de habitantes de bajos ingresos desde una óptica de movilidad sustentable
S Ureta Icaza
EURE (Santiago) 35 (105), 71-93, 2009
A very public mess: Problematizing the “participative turn” in energy policy in Chile
S Ureta
Energy research & social science 29, 127-134, 2017
Transantiago: o el fallido ensamblaje de una sociedad de clase mundial
S Ureta
Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2017
Sujetos de desecho: violencia lenta e inacción ambiental en un botadero minero abandonado de Chile
S Ureta, F Mondaca, A Landherr
Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies/Revue canadienne …, 2018
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Articles 1–20