Mehmet Çağrı Aksoy
Cited by
Cited by
Drone dataset: Amateur unmanned air vehicle detection
MÇ Aksoy, AS Orak, HM Özkan, B Selimoğlu
Mendeley Data 4, 2019
Land classification in satellite images by injecting traditional features to CNN models
MÇ Aksoy, B Sirmacek, C Ünsalan
Remote Sensing Letters 14 (2), 157-167, 2023
Geleneksel Öznitelikleri Cnn Modellerine Enjekte Ederek Uydu Görüntülerinde Arazi Sınıflanfırması
MÇ Aksoy
PQDT-Global, 2022
Object Recognition in Satellite Images using Wide and Deep Learning Models
CÜ Mehmet Çağrı Aksoy, Beril Sirmacek
The 4th International Electronic Conference on Remote Sensing, 13, 2022
Breast Cancer Detection with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
E Keskin, O Aydın, UC Altın, MC Aksoy, HI Tetik
The performance comparison FPGA Vivado HLS Solution for the Canny Edge Detection Algorithm
MÇ Aksoy
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Articles 1–6