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27 artikler
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Niko BuschUniversity of Muenster, Institute of PsychologyVerificeret mail på wwu.de
Rene HusterDepartment of Psychology, University of Oslo, NorwayVerificeret mail på psykologi.uio.no
Andreas K. EngelDirector, Dept. of Neurophysiology and Pathophysiology, University Medical Center Hamburg-EppendorfVerificeret mail på uke.de
Florian H. KastenJun.-Prof., University of TrierVerificeret mail på uni-trier.de
Stefan RachLeibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPSVerificeret mail på leibniz-bips.de
Tino ZaehleDepartment of Neurology, Section of Neuropsychology, Otto-v.-Guericke Universit y, MagdeburgVerificeret mail på ovgu.de
Stefanie Enriquez-GeppertDepartment of Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology, University of GroningenVerificeret mail på rug.nl
Stefan DebenerUni OldenburgVerificeret mail på uni-oldenburg.de
Till R SchneiderPostdoctoral Researcher, University Medical Center Hamburg-EppendorfVerificeret mail på uke.uni-hamburg.de
Burkhard MaessMax Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, GermanyVerificeret mail på cbs.mpg.de
Daniel SenkowskiProfessor of Clinical NeuropsychologyVerificeret mail på charite.de
Johannes VosskuhlUniversity of Oldenburg, GermanyVerificeret mail på uol.de
Carsten H. WoltersProfessor of Neurosciences and Biomedical Engineering; University of Münster, GermanyVerificeret mail på uni-muenster.de
Tamer DemiralpIstanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of PhysiologyVerificeret mail på istanbul.edu.tr
Cornelia KrancziochUniversität OldenburgVerificeret mail på kranczioch.de
Randolph HelfrichPrincipal Investigator, Center for Neurology, University Medical Center TuebingenVerificeret mail på med.uni-tuebingen.de
James DowsettLecturer, University of StirlingVerificeret mail på psy.lmu.de
Carlo MiniussiProfessor of Human Neurophysiology Center for Mind/Brain Sciences - CIMeC University of TrentoVerificeret mail på unitn.it
Bernhard SabelProfessor of Medical Psychology, University of Magdeburg Medical SchoolVerificeret mail på med.ovgu.de
Lutz JanckeProf. Neuropsychology, University ZurichVerificeret mail på uzh.ch
Christoph S Herrmann
Professor für Psychologie, Universität Oldenburg
Verificeret mail på uni-oldenburg.de