Stefano Baldassi
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Cited by
Feature-based integration of orientation signals in visual search
S Baldassi, DC Burr
Vision research 40 (10-12), 1293-1300, 2000
Visual clutter causes high-magnitude errors
S Baldassi, N Megna, DC Burr
PLoS biology 4 (3), e56, 2006
Fearful expressions enhance recognition memory: electrophysiological evidence
S Righi, T Marzi, M Toscani, S Baldassi, S Ottonello, MP Viggiano
Acta psychologica 139 (1), 7-18, 2012
Alpha waves: a neural signature of visual suppression
M Toscani, T Marzi, S Righi, MP Viggiano, S Baldassi
Experimental brain research 207, 213-219, 2010
Apparatuses, methods and systems coupling visual accommodation and visual convergence to the same plane at any depth of an object of interest
RCH Lo, S Baldassi
US Patent 9,576,399, 2017
Attention to locations and features: Different top-down modulation of detector weights
S Baldassi, P Verghese
Journal of Vision 5 (6), 7-7, 2005
Comparing integration rules in visual search
S Baldassi, P Verghese
Journal of vision 2 (8), 3-3, 2002
Search superiority in autism within, but not outside the crowding regime
S Baldassi, F Pei, N Megna, G Recupero, M Viespoli, R Igliozzi, ...
Vision research 49 (16), 2151-2156, 2009
Forehead pad
S Baldassi, E Bokides, E Lekeu, SM Worden
US Patent App. 29/554,765, 2017
How the human visual system encodes the orientation of a texture, and why it makes mistakes
MJ Morgan, S Baldassi
Current Biology 7 (12), 999-1002, 1997
Are there separate first-order and second-order mechanisms for orientation discrimination?
MJ Morgan, AJS Mason, S Baldassi
Vision Research 40 (13), 1751-1763, 2000
The assessment of subjective visual vertical: comparison of two psychophysical paradigms and age-related performance
M Baccini, M Paci, M Del Colletto, M Ravenni, S Baldassi
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 76, 112-122, 2014
Electrophysiological measures of low-level vision reveal spatial processing deficits and hemispheric asymmetry in autism spectrum disorder
F Pei, S Baldassi, AM Norcia
Journal of vision 14 (11), 3-3, 2014
Reported quality of randomized controlled trials in neglect rehabilitation
M Paci, G Matulli, M Baccini, LA Rinaldi, S Baldassi
Neurological Sciences 31, 159-163, 2010
“Pop-out” of targets modulated in luminance or colour: the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic uncertainty
S Baldassi, DC Burr
Vision Research 44 (12), 1227-1233, 2004
Head-mounted display
M Gribetz, RCH Lo, S Baldassi, M Hasek, A Ahuja, Z Zhong, E Bokides, ...
US Patent App. 29/554,762, 2017
Neural correlates of texture and contour integration in children with autism spectrum disorders
F Pei, S Baldassi, G Procida, R Igliozzi, R Tancredi, F Muratori, G Cioni
Vision Research 49 (16), 2140-2150, 2009
Reward sharpens orientation coding independently of attention
S Baldassi, C Simoncini
Frontiers in neuroscience 5, 13, 2011
Pooling and segmenting motion signals
DC Burr, S Baldassi, MC Morrone, P Verghese
Vision Research 49 (10), 1065-1072, 2009
Head-mounted display
M Gribetz, RCH Lo, S Baldassi, M Hasek, A Ahuja, Z Zhong, E Bokides, ...
US Patent App. 29/574,353, 2018
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Articles 1–20