Davide Piffer
Davide Piffer
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Cited by
Can creativity be measured? An attempt to clarify the notion of creativity and general directions for future research
D Piffer
Thinking skills and creativity 7 (3), 258-264, 2012
Morningness–eveningness and intelligence among high-achieving US students: Night owls have higher GMAT scores than early morning types in a top-ranked MBA program
D Piffer, D Ponzi, P Sapienza, L Zingales, D Maestripieri
Intelligence 47, 107-112, 2014
A review of intelligence GWAS hits: Their relationship to country IQ and the issue of spatial autocorrelation
D Piffer
Intelligence 53, 43-50, 2015
Heritability of creative achievement
D Piffer, YM Hur
Creativity Research Journal 26 (2), 151-157, 2014
Sleep patterns and sexual selection: An evolutionary approach
D Piffer
Mankind Quarterly 50 (4), 361, 2010
Eveningness is related to men’s mating success
C Randler, N Ebenhöh, A Fischer, S Höchel, C Schroff, JC Stoll, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 53 (3), 263-267, 2012
Factor Analysis of Population Allele Frequencies as a Simple, Novel Method of Detecting Signals of Recent Polygenic Selection: The Example of Educational Attainment and IQ. D …
D Piffer
Mankind Quarterly 54 (2), 168-200, 2013
Evidence for recent polygenic selection on educational attainment and intelligence inferred from Gwas hits: A replication of previous findings using recent data
D Piffer
Psych 1 (1), 55-75, 2019
New evidence for differences in fluid intelligence between north and south Italy and against school resources as an explanation for the north–south IQ differential
D Piffer, R Lynn
Intelligence 46, 246-249, 2014
Can creativity be measured? An attempt to clarify the notion of creativity and general directions for future research. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 7 (3), 258–264
D Piffer
Evidence of sexual selection for evening orientation in human males: A cross cultural study in Italy and Sri Lanka
KG Gunawardane, DM Custance, D Piffer
Interdisciplinary Bio Central 3 (4), 13.1-13.8, 2011
Correlation of the COMT Val158Met polymorphism with latitude and a hunter-gather lifestyle suggests culture–gene coevolution and selective pressure on cognition genes due to …
D Piffer
Anthropological Science, 2013
Holocene selection for variants associated with general cognitive ability: Comparing ancient and modern genomes
MA Woodley, S Younuskunju, B Balan, D Piffer
Twin research and human genetics 20 (4), 271-280, 2017
Shared genetic and environmental influences on self-reported creative achievement in art and science
YM Hur, HU Jeong, D Piffer
Personality and Individual Differences 68, 18-22, 2014
The relationship between Microcephalin, ASPM and intelligence: A reconsideration
MA Woodley, H Rindermann, E Bell, J Stratford, D Piffer
Intelligence 44, 51-63, 2014
The personality and cognitive correlates of creative achievement
D Piffer
Sex differences in intelligence on the American WAIS-IV
D Piffer
Mankind Quarterly 57 (1), 25, 2016
A study of the heritability of intelligence in Sudan
HSA Toto, D Piffer, OH Khaleefa, RASAT Bader, SFA Bakhiet, R Lynn, ...
Journal of Biosocial Science 51 (2), 307-311, 2019
Opposite selection pressures on stature and intelligence across human populations
D Piffer
Open Behavioral Genetics, 2014
Estimating the genotypic intelligence of populations and assessing the impact of socioeconomic factors and migrations.
D Piffer
Authorea Preprints, 2023
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Articles 1–20