Charlotte Lærke Weitze
Charlotte Lærke Weitze
PhD, Digital & Creative Learning Lab, Denmark
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The global classroom video conferencing model and first evaluations
CL Weitze, R Ørngreen, K Levinsen
Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on E-Learning: SKEMA Business …, 2013
Pedagogical innovation in teacher teams–an organisational learning design model for continuous competence development
CL Weitze
14th European Conference on e-Learning, 629-638, 2015
Designing pedagogical innovation for collaborating teacher teams
CL Weitze
Journal of Education for Teaching, 1-13, 2017
Developing Goals and Objectives for Gameplay and Learning
CL Weitze
Learning, Education and Games 1, 227-249, 2014
Designing for learning and play: The smiley model as a framework
CL Weitze
Interaction Design and Architecture (s) 29 (1), 52-75, 2016
The Global Classroom Model Simultaneous campus-and home-based education using videoconferencing
CL Weitze, R Ørngreen
Electronic Journal of E-Learning 12 (2), 215-226, 2014
Concept Model for designing engaging and motivating games for learning
CL Weitze, R Ørngreen
Meaningful Play 2012 conference proceedings, 2012
A framework for the development of Pedagogical Process Simulators (P2Si) using explanatory models and gamification
SC de Las Heras, CL Gargalo, CL Weitze, SS Mansouri, KV Gernaey, ...
Computers & Chemical Engineering 151, 107350, 2021
The educational potential of visual novel games: Principles for design
K Øygardslia, CL Weitze, J Shin
Ritsumeikan Center for Game Studies (RCGS), Ritsumeikan University, 2020
Learning and motivational processes when students design curriculum-based digital learning games
CL Weitze
Proceedings of the 9th European conference on games based learning: ECGBL …, 2015
Reflective, creative and computational thinking strategies used when students learn through making games
CL Weitze
11th European Conference on Games Based Learning, 744-753, 2017
Virtual experiential learning, learning design and interaction in extended reality simulations
G Majgaard, C Weitze
I 14th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL, 372-379, 2020
Experimenting on how to create a sustainable gamified learning design that supports adult students when learning through designing learning games
CL Weitze
The 8th European Conference on Games Based Learning 2, 594-603, 2014
Developing digital literacy through design of VR/AR games for learning
CL Weitze, G Majgaard
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Game Based Learning …, 2020
Learning and design processes in a gamified learning design: Students creating curriculum-based digital learning games
CL Weitze
Games and education: Designs in and for learning, 141-160, 2018
How student game designers design learning into games
CL Weitze
Games Learning Society 12.0, 191-201, 2017
Student learning-game designs: Emerging learning trajectories
CL Weitze
10th European Conference on Games Based Learning, 756-764, 2016
An Experiment on How Adult Students Can Learn by Designing Engaging Learning Games
CL Weitze
Meaningful PlayMeaningful Play Conference 2014, 2014
Learning, education and games
CL Weitze
ETC Press, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2014
Recommendations for learning through educational game design: A Systematic literature review
CL Weitze
European Conference on Games Based Learning, Academic Conferences …, 2021
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