Zhiguo Zhang 张治国
Cited by
Cited by
Gamma-band oscillations in the primary somatosensory cortex—a direct and obligatory correlate of subjective pain intensity
ZG Zhang, L Hu, YS Hung, A Mouraux, GD Iannetti
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (22), 7429-7438, 2012
EEG signal processing and feature extraction
L Hu, Z Zhang
Springer 10, 978-981, 2019
Characterizing dynamic amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation and its relationship with dynamic functional connectivity: an application to schizophrenia
Z Fu, Y Tu, X Di, Y Du, GD Pearlson, JA Turner, BB Biswal, Z Zhang, ...
Neuroimage 180, 619-631, 2018
DOA estimation and tracking of ULAs with mutual coupling
B Liao, ZG Zhang, SC Chan
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 48 (1), 891-905, 2012
Abnormal thalamocortical network dynamics in migraine
Y Tu, Z Fu, F Zeng, N Maleki, L Lan, Z Li, J Park, G Wilson, Y Gao, M Liu, ...
Neurology 92 (23), e2706-e2716, 2019
Single-trial time–frequency analysis of electrocortical signals: Baseline correction and beyond
L Hu, P Xiao, ZG Zhang, A Mouraux, GD Iannetti
NeuroImage 84, 876-887, 2014
Changes of spontaneous oscillatory activity to tonic heat pain
W Peng, L Hu, Z Zhang, Y Hu
PloS one 9 (3), e91052, 2014
A novel approach to predict subjective pain perception from single-trial laser-evoked potentials
G Huang, P Xiao, YS Hung, GD Iannetti, ZG Zhang, L Hu
Neuroimage 81, 283-293, 2013
Transient increased thalamic-sensory connectivity and decreased whole-brain dynamism in autism
Z Fu, Y Tu, X Di, Y Du, J Sui, BB Biswal, Z Zhang, N de Lacy, VD Calhoun
Neuroimage 190, 191-204, 2019
Functional features of nociceptive-induced suppression of alpha band electroencephalographic oscillations
L Hu, W Peng, E Valentini, Z Zhang, Y Hu
The Journal of Pain 14 (1), 89-99, 2013
Alpha and gamma oscillation amplitudes synergistically predict the perception of forthcoming nociceptive stimuli
Y Tu, Z Zhang, A Tan, W Peng, YS Hung, M Moayedi, GD Iannetti, L Hu
Human brain mapping 37 (2), 501-514, 2016
Linking attention-based multiscale CNN with dynamical GCN for driving fatigue detection
H Wang, L Xu, A Bezerianos, C Chen, Z Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-11, 2020
An fMRI-based neural marker for migraine without aura
Y Tu, F Zeng, L Lan, Z Li, N Maleki, B Liu, J Chen, C Wang, J Park, ...
Neurology 94 (7), e741-e751, 2020
A time-varying source connectivity approach to reveal human somatosensory information processing
L Hu, ZG Zhang, Y Hu
Neuroimage 62 (1), 217-228, 2012
Causality in the association between P300 and alpha event-related desynchronization
W Peng, L Hu, Z Zhang, Y Hu
PLoS One 7 (4), e34163, 2012
Entrainment of chaotic activities in brain and heart during MBSR mindfulness training
J Gao, J Fan, BWY Wu, Z Zhang, C Chang, YS Hung, PCW Fung, ...
Neuroscience letters 616, 218-223, 2016
Sonomyographic responses during voluntary isometric ramp contraction of the human rectus femoris muscle
X Chen, YP Zheng, JY Guo, Z Zhu, SC Chan, Z Zhang
European Journal of Applied Physiology 112, 2603-2614, 2012
EEGFuseNet: Hybrid Unsupervised Deep Feature Characterization and Fusion for High-Dimensional EEG with An Application to Emotion Recognition
Z Liang, R Zhou, L Zhang, L Li, G Huang, Z Zhang, S Ishii
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 29, 1913-1925, 2021
PR-PL: A novel prototypical representation based pairwise learning framework for emotion recognition using EEG signals
R Zhou, Z Zhang, H Fu, L Zhang, L Li, G Huang, F Li, X Yang, Y Dong, ...
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 15 (2), 657-670, 2023
EEG activity during the verbal-cognitive stage of motor skill acquisition
FF Zhu, JP Maxwell, Y Hu, ZG Zhang, WK Lam, JM Poolton, RSW Masters
Biological psychology 84 (2), 221-227, 2010
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Articles 1–20