Annegret K. Wagler
Annegret K. Wagler
Université Clermont Auvergne, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies ISIMA - LIMOS - CNRS
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Cited by
Petri nets as a framework for the reconstruction and analysis of signal transduction pathways and regulatory networks
W Marwan, A Wagler, R Weismantel
Natural Computing 10, 639-654, 2011
A mathematical approach to solve the network reconstruction problem
W Marwan, A Wagler, R Weismantel
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 67 (1), 117-132, 2008
Models and algorithms for carsharing systems and related problems
SO Krumke, A Quilliot, AK Wagler, JT Wegener
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 44, 201-206, 2013
Reconstruction of extended Petri nets from time series data and its application to signal transduction and to gene regulatory networks
M Durzinsky, A Wagler, W Marwan
BMC Systems Biology 5, 1-17, 2011
Antiwebs are rank-perfect
AK Wagler
Quarterly Journal of the Belgian, French and Italian Operations Research …, 2004
Automatic network reconstruction using ASP
M Durzinsky, W Marwan, M Ostrowski, T Schaub, A Wagler
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 11 (4-5), 749-766, 2011
Automatic reconstruction of molecular and genetic networks from discrete time series data
M Durzinsky, A Wagler, R Weismantel, W Marwan
BioSystems 93 (3), 181-190, 2008
A polyhedral approach to locating-dominating sets in graphs
GR Argiroffo, SM Bianchi, AK Wagler
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 50, 89-94, 2015
Almost all webs are not rank-perfect
A Pęcher, AK Wagler
Mathematical programming 105, 311-328, 2006
Polyhedra associated with locating-dominating, open locating-dominating and locating total-dominating sets in graphs
G Argiroffo, S Bianchi, Y Lucarini, A Wagler
Discrete Applied Mathematics 322, 465-480, 2022
Relocation in carsharing systems using flows in time-expanded networks
SO Krumke, A Quilliot, AK Wagler, JT Wegener
Experimental Algorithms: 13th International Symposium, SEA 2014, Copenhagen …, 2014
Relaxing perfectness: Which graphs are “almost” perfect?
AK Wagler
The Sharpest Cut: The Impact of Manfred Padberg and His Work, 77-96, 2004
Reconstruction of extended Petri nets from time-series data by using logical control functions
M Durzinsky, W Marwan, A Wagler
Journal of Mathematical Biology 66, 203-223, 2013
Fleet management for autonomous vehicles using flows in time-expanded networks
S Bsaybes, A Quilliot, AK Wagler
Top 27 (2), 288-311, 2019
An algorithmic framework for network reconstruction
M Durzinsky, A Wagler, R Weismantel
Theoretical Computer Science 412 (26), 2800-2815, 2011
A novel integer linear programming model for routing and spectrum assignment in optical networks
Y Hadhbi, H Kerivin, A Wagler
2019 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2019
Critical edges in perfect graphs
A Wagler
Optimal cut-times finding strategies for collecting a target component from overloaded elution chromatograms
B Sreedhar, A Wagler, M Kaspereit, A Seidel-Morgenstern
Computers & Chemical Engineering 49, 158-169, 2013
Wing‐triangulated graphs are perfect
S Hougardy, VB Le, A Wagler
Journal of Graph Theory 24 (1), 25-31, 1997
A combinatorial approach to reconstruct Petri nets from experimental data
M Durzinsky, A Wagler, R Weismantel
Computational Methods in Systems Biology: 6th International Conference CMSB …, 2008
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Articles 1–20