Rolf Lyneborg Lund
Rolf Lyneborg Lund
Associate Professor, Aalborg University
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Cited by
From the dark end of the street to the bright side of the road: Automated redistricting of areas using physical barriers as dividers of social space
RL Lund
Methodological Innovations 11 (3), 2059799118814386, 2018
The geography of gambling: A socio-spatial analysis of gambling machine location and area-level socio-economic status
S Kristiansen, RL Lund
Journal of Gambling Issues 49 (2), 44-67, 2022
Moving to prosperity? The effect of prolonged exposure to neighborhood deprivation
RL Lund
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 64 (4), 471-487, 2020
Neighborhood social context and suicide mortality: a multilevel register-based 5-year follow-up study of 2.7 million individuals
AL Jakobsen, RL Lund
Social Science & Medicine 311, 115320, 2022
Social normativity of research methods and the methodological discrepancy between mainstream psychological research and danish psychology students’ master’s thesis projects
T Szulevicz, PC Lund, RL Lund
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 56 (4), 863-878, 2022
Social geographical patterns in membership of the established church in Denmark
RL Lund, A Jørgensen, OP Riis
Nordic journal of religion and society 32 (1), 55-70, 2019
Slutrapport september 2017: udvikling, test og validering af QTI-spørgsmål i en dansk gymnasiekontekst
L Lund, RL Lund
Center for Undervisningsudvikling og Digitale Medier, Aarhus Universitet, 2017
Rural quality of life
PH Johansen, A Tietjen, EB Iversen, HL Lolle, JK Fisker
Manchester University Press, 2023
Dissecting the local: Territorial Scale and the Social Mechanisms of Place
RL Lund
Does removal of the VAT on fruit and vegetables increase sale–results from a price manipulation intervention on food sales in a Danish retailer
AQ Romani, RL Lund, BE Mikkelsen
Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2018
Lang vej at gå–social baggrund og studerendes alder på danske universiteter
RL Lund, TB Klausen
Dansk Sociologi 27 (2), 9-34, 2016
Sociogeographical Machine Learning: Using Machine Learning to Understand the Social Mechanisms of Place
RL Lund
Using a new method to map quality of life: The case of Denmark
RL Lund
Rural quality of life, 405-426, 2023
Availability of nature and access to nature in school: evidence from a Danish longitudinal school study
A Quinto Romani, RL Lund
Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning 22 (3), 250-264, 2022
Kunstig intelligens og algoritmer
RL Lund, A Jørgensen
Det Danske Samfund: Centrale idéer og principper, 557-571, 2022
Det psykologiske kandidatspeciale–imellem teori, metoder og diagnoser
T Szulevicz, PC Lund, RL Lund
Psyke & Logos 41 (2), 201-224, 2020
Do crowding out effects explain low effect of a health promotion intervention among young people at vocational school?
AQ Romani, BE Mikkelsen, RL Lund
Health Policy, 2018
Place Matters: Understanding Geographic Influences on Youth Not in Education, Employment, or Training—A Scoping Review
V Lindblad, RL Lund, PS Gaardsted, LE Møller Hansen, FF Lauritzen, ...
Journal of Adolescence, 2025
The long‐term impact of Danish vulnerable neighbourhoods in adolescence on employment status in emerging adulthood
AL Jakobsen, RL Lund, ALR Agerskov, HL Jensen, A Jørgensen
Population, Space and Place 30 (8), e2829, 2024
Spatio-temporal variation in prostate cancer testing in Stockholm: A population-based study
B Rai, T Nordström, A Lantz, RL Lund, R Kuja-Halkola, M Rado, S Öberg, ...
Plos one 19 (8), e0308254, 2024
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Articles 1–20