David T Wu
David T Wu
Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica and Colorado School of Mines
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A closed‐form equation for effective stress in unsaturated soil
N Lu, JW Godt, DT Wu
Water Resources Research 46 (5), 2010
Microsecond simulations of spontaneous methane hydrate nucleation and growth
MR Walsh, CA Koh, ED Sloan, AK Sum, DT Wu
Science 326 (5956), 1095-1098, 2009
Fundamentals and applications of gas hydrates
CA Koh, ED Sloan, AK Sum, DT Wu
Annual review of chemical and biomolecular engineering 2 (1), 237-257, 2011
Droplet size scaling of water-in-oil emulsions under turbulent flow
JA Boxall, CA Koh, ED Sloan, AK Sum, DT Wu
Langmuir 28 (1), 104-110, 2012
Methane hydrate nucleation rates from molecular dynamics simulations: Effects of aqueous methane concentration, interfacial curvature, and system size
MR Walsh, GT Beckham, CA Koh, ED Sloan, DT Wu, AK Sum
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (43), 21241-21248, 2011
Electric-field–induced assembly and propulsion of chiral colloidal clusters
F Ma, S Wang, DT Wu, N Wu
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 112 (20), 6307-6312, 2015
Measurement and calibration of droplet size distributions in water-in-oil emulsions by particle video microscope and a focused beam reflectance method
JA Boxall, CA Koh, ED Sloan, AK Sum, DT Wu
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 49 (3), 1412-1418, 2010
In vitro papillomavirus capsid assembly analyzed by light scattering
GL Casini, D Graham, D Heine, RL Garcea, DT Wu
Virology 325 (2), 320-327, 2004
The cages, dynamics, and structuring of incipient methane clathrate hydrates
MR Walsh, JD Rainey, PG Lafond, DH Park, GT Beckham, MD Jones, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (44), 19951-19959, 2011
Electrostatic analogy for surfactant assemblies
D Wu, D Chandler, B Smit
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 96 (10), 4077-4083, 1992
Polystyrene with dendritic branching by convergent living anionic polymerization
DM Knauss, HA Al-Muallem, T Huang, DT Wu
Macromolecules 33 (10), 3557-3568, 2000
Calculation of liquid water− hydrate− methane vapor phase equilibria from molecular simulations
L Jensen, K Thomsen, N von Solms, S Wierzchowski, MR Walsh, CA Koh, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114 (17), 5775-5782, 2010
Reference interaction site model polaron theory of the hydrated electron
D Laria, D Wu, D Chandler
The Journal of chemical physics 95 (6), 4444-4453, 1991
Distribution of Chain Ends at the Surface of a Polymer Melt: Compensation Effects and Surface Tension
DT Wu, GH Fredrickson, JP Carton, A Ajdari, L Leibler
Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics 33, 2373, 1995
Graphene nanoengineering and the inverse Stone-Thrower-Wales defect
MT Lusk, DT Wu, LD Carr
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (15), 155444, 2010
Effect of architecture in the surface segregation of polymer blends
DT Wu, GH Fredrickson
Macromolecules 29 (24), 7919-7930, 1996
Reaction coordinate of incipient methane clathrate hydrate nucleation
BC Barnes, BC Knott, GT Beckham, DT Wu, AK Sum
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (46), 13236-13243, 2014
Size-dependent properties of small unilamellar vesicles formed by model lipids
CM Lin, CS Li, YJ Sheng, DT Wu, HK Tsao
Langmuir 28 (1), 689-700, 2012
Orifice jamming of fluid-driven granular flow
PG Lafond, MW Gilmer, CA Koh, ED Sloan, DT Wu, AK Sum
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (4 …, 2013
Jamming of particles in a two-dimensional fluid-driven flow
A Guariguata, MA Pascall, MW Gilmer, AK Sum, ED Sloan, CA Koh, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (6 …, 2012
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