Wendy Zomlefer
Wendy Zomlefer
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Guide to flowering plant families
WB Zomlefer
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,, 1994
Assembling the tree of the monocotyledons: plastome sequence phylogeny and evolution of Poales1
TJ Givnish, M Ames, JR McNeal, MR McKain, PR Steele, ...
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 97 (4), 584-616, 2010
Monocot plastid phylogenomics, timeline, net rates of species diversification, the power of multi‐gene analyses, and a functional model for the origin of monocots
TJ Givnish, A Zuluaga, D Spalink, M Soto Gomez, VKY Lam, JM Saarela, ...
American Journal of Botany 105 (11), 1888-1910, 2018
Plastid genomes reveal support for deep phylogenetic relationships and extensive rate variation among palms and other commelinid monocots
CF Barrett, WJ Baker, JR Comer, JG Conran, SC Lahmeyer, ...
New Phytologist 209 (2), 855-870, 2016
Generic circumscription and relationships in the tribe Melanthieae (Liliales, Melanthiaceae), with emphasis on Zigadenus: evidence from ITS and trnL‐F sequence …
WB Zomlefer, NH Williams, WM Whitten, WS Judd
American Journal of Botany 88 (9), 1657-1669, 2001
A universe of dwarfs and giants: genome size and chromosome evolution in the monocot family M elanthiaceae
J Pellicer, LJ Kelly, IJ Leitch, WB Zomlefer, MF Fay
New Phytologist 201 (4), 1484-1497, 2014
Resolving ancient radiations: can complete plastid gene sets elucidate deep relationships among the tropical gingers (Zingiberales)?
CF Barrett, CD Specht, J Leebens-Mack, DW Stevenson, WB Zomlefer, ...
Annals of Botany 113 (1), 119-133, 2014
Phylogenomics and historical biogeography of the monocot order Liliales: out of Australia and through Antarctica
TJ Givnish, A Zuluaga, I Marques, VKY Lam, MS Gomez, WJD Iles, ...
Cladistics 32 (6), 581-605, 2016
An overview of Veratrum sl (Liliales: Melanthiaceae) and an infrageneric phylogeny based on ITS sequence data
WB Zomlefer, WM Whitten, NH Williams, WS Judd
Systematic Botany 28 (2), 250-269, 2003
A revision of Rigodium (Musci: Rigodiaceae)
WB Zomlefer
University of Florida, 1991
The genera of Melanthiaceae in the southeastern United States
WB Zomlefer
Harvard Papers in Botany 2 (2), 133-177, 1997
Resolving relationships within the palm subfamily Arecoideae (Arecaceae) using plastid sequences derived from next‐generation sequencing
JR Comer, WB Zomlefer, CF Barrett, JI Davis, DW Stevenson, K Heyduk, ...
American Journal of Botany 102 (6), 888-899, 2015
Northernmost limit of Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove; rhizophoraceae) in St. Johns County, Florida
WB Zomlefer, WS Judd, DE Giannasi
Castanea 71 (3), 239-244, 2006
Nuclear phylogenomics of the palm subfamily Arecoideae (Arecaceae)
JR Comer, WB Zomlefer, CF Barrett, DW Stevenson, K Heyduk, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 97, 32-42, 2016
The genera of Tofieldiaceae in the southeastern United States
WB Zomlefer
Harvard Papers in Botany 2 (2), 179-194, 1997
A synopsis of Melanthiaceae (Liliales) with focus on character evolution in tribe Melanthieae
WB Zomlefer, WS Judd, WM Whitten, NH Williams
Aliso: A Journal of Systematic and Floristic Botany 22 (1), 566-578, 2006
Infrageneric phylogeny of Schoenocaulon (Liliales: Melanthiaceae) with clarification of cryptic species based on ITS sequence data and geographical distribution
WB Zomlefer, WM Whitten, NH Williams, WS Judd
American Journal of Botany 93 (8), 1178-1192, 2006
Resurrection of segregates of the polyphyletic genus Zigadenus sl (Liliales: Melanthiaceae) and resulting new combinations
WB Zomlefer, WS Judd
Novon, 299-308, 2002
The Trilliaceae in the southeastern United States
WB Zomlefer
Harvard Papers in Botany 1 (9), 91-120, 1996
Advances in angiosperm systematics: examples from the Liliales and Asparagales
WB Zomlefer
Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 58-62, 1999
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Articles 1–20