Richard Bateman
Richard Bateman
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Molecular phylogenetics and evolution of Orchidinae and selected Habenariinae (Orchidaceae)
RM Bateman, PM Hollingsworth, J Preston, LUO Yi-Bo, AM Pridgeon, ...
Botanical journal of the Linnean Society 142 (1), 1-40, 2003
Early evolution of land plants: phylogeny, physiology, and ecology of the primary terrestrial radiation
RM Bateman, PR Crane, WA DiMichele, PR Kenrick, NP Rowe, T Speck, ...
Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 29 (1), 263-292, 1998
Pteridosperms are the backbone of seed-plant phylogeny1
J Hilton, RM Bateman
The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 133 (1), 119-168, 2006
Phylogenetics of subtribe Orchidinae (Orchidoideae, Orchidaceae) based on nuclear its sequences. 2. Infrageneric relationships and reclassification to achieve monophyly of …
RM Bateman
Stricto Lindleyana 12, 113-141, 1997
Phylogenetics of subtribe Orchidinae (Orchidoideae, Orchidaceae) based on nuclear ITS sequences. 1. Intergeneric relationships and polyphyly of Orchis sensu lato.
AM Pridgeon, RM Bateman, AV Cox, JR Hapeman, MW Chase
Preserving accuracy in GenBank
MI Bidartondo
Science 319 (5870), 1616-1616, 2008
Roles of synorganisation, zygomorphy and heterotopy in floral evolution: the gynostemium and labellum of orchids and other lilioid monocots
PJ Rudall, RM Bateman
Biological Reviews 77 (3), 403-441, 2002
Stable Epigenetic Effects Impact Adaptation in Allopolyploid Orchids (Dactylorhiza: Orchidaceae)
O Paun, RM Bateman, MF Fay, M Hedrén, L Civeyrel, MW Chase
Molecular biology and evolution 27 (11), 2465-2473, 2010
Heterospory: the most iterative key innovation in the evolutionary history of the plant kingdom
Biological Reviews 69 (3), 345-417, 1994
Friends or Relatives? Phylogenetics and Species Delimitation in the Controversial European Orchid Genus Ophrys
DS Devey, RM Bateman, MF Fay, JA Hawkins
Annals of Botany 101 (3), 385-402, 2008
Experimental cladistic analysis of anatomically preserved arborescent lycopsids from the Carboniferous of Euramerica: an essay on paleobotanical phylogenetics
RM Bateman, WA DiMichele, DA Willard
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 500-559, 1992
Evolution of zygomorphy in monocot flowers: iterative patterns and developmental constraints
PJ Rudall, RM Bateman
New Phytologist 162 (1), 25-44, 2004
Speaking of forked tongues: The feasibility of reconciling human phylogeny and the history of language [and comments]
R Bateman, I Goddard, R O'Grady, VA Funk, R Mooi, WJ Kress, P Cannell, ...
Current Anthropology 31 (1), 1-24, 1990
Morphological and molecular phylogenetic context of the angiosperms: contrasting the ‘top-down’and ‘bottom-up’approaches used to infer the likely characteristics of the first …
RM Bateman, J Hilton, PJ Rudall
Journal of Experimental Botany 57 (13), 3471-3503, 2006
Evolution and temporal diversification of western European polyploid species complexes in Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae)
Y Pillon, MF Fay, M Hedrén, RM Bateman, DS Devey, AB Shipunov, ...
Taxon 56 (4), 1185-1208, 2007
Developmental genetics and plant evolution
QCB Cronk, RM Bateman, JA Hawkins
CRC Press, 2004
Partitioning and diversity of nuclear and organelle markers in native and introduced populations of Epipactis helleborine (Orchidaceae)
J Squirrell, PM Hollingsworth, RM Bateman, JH Dickson, MHS Light, ...
American Journal of Botany 88 (8), 1409-1418, 2001
Population genetic structure in European populations of Spiranthes romanzoffiana set in the context of other genetic studies on orchids
AD Forrest, ML Hollingsworth, PM Hollingsworth, C Sydes, RM Bateman
Heredity 92 (3), 218-227, 2004
Generating and filtering major phenotypic novelties: neoGoldschmidtian saltation revisited
RM Bateman, WA DiMichele
Developmental genetics and plant evolution, 2002
Evolutionary‐developmental change in the growth architecture of fossil rhizomorphic lycopsids: scenarios constructed on cladistic foundations
RM Bateman
Biological Reviews 69 (4), 527-597, 1994
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Articles 1–20