Modelling the kinetics of strain induced precipitation in Nb microalloyed steels B Dutta, EJ Palmiere, CM Sellars Acta materialia 49 (5), 785-794, 2001 | 505 | 2001 |
Compositional and microstructural changes which attend reheating and grain coarsening in steels containing niobium EJ Palmiere, CI Garcia, AJ De Ardo Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 25, 277-286, 1994 | 253 | 1994 |
Precipitation of NbC in a model austenitic steel WM Rainforth, MP Black, RL Higginson, EJ Palmiere, CM Sellars, I Prabst, ... Acta materialia 50 (4), 735-747, 2002 | 195 | 2002 |
The influence of niobium supersaturation in austenite on the static recrystallization behavior of low carbon microalloyed steels EJ Palmiere, CI Garcia, AJ DeArdo Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 27, 951-960, 1996 | 192 | 1996 |
Dissolution and precipitation behaviour in steels microalloyed with niobium during thermomechanical processing P Gong, EJ Palmiere, WM Rainforth Acta Materialia 97, 392-403, 2015 | 148 | 2015 |
Thixoforming of a high performance HP9/4/30 steel MZ Omar, EJ Palmiere, AA Howe, HV Atkinson, P Kapranos Materials Science and Engineering: A 395 (1-2), 53-61, 2005 | 126 | 2005 |
Complex precipitation behaviour in a microalloyed plate steel RM Poths, RL Higginson, EJ Palmiere Scripta Materialia 44 (1), 147-151, 2001 | 118 | 2001 |
Measurement of flow stress in hot plane strain compression tests MS Loveday, GJ Mahon, B Roebuck, AJ Lacey, EJ Palmiere, CM Sellars, ... Materials at High Temperatures 23 (2), 85-118, 2006 | 93 | 2006 |
Effect of austenite grain size on the bainitic ferrite morphology and grain refinement of a pipeline steel after continuous cooling H Zhao, BP Wynne, EJ Palmiere Materials Characterization 123, 128-136, 2017 | 79 | 2017 |
Thermomechanical processing route to achieve ultrafine grains in low carbon microalloyed steels P Gong, EJ Palmiere, WM Rainforth Acta Materialia 119, 43-54, 2016 | 71 | 2016 |
Modelling the nucleation, growth and coarsening kinetics of γ ″(D022) precipitates in the Ni-base Alloy 625 IJ Moore, MG Burke, EJ Palmiere Acta Materialia 119, 157-166, 2016 | 68 | 2016 |
Effect of austenite grain size on acicular ferrite transformation in a HSLA steel H Zhao, EJ Palmiere Materials Characterization 145, 479-489, 2018 | 65 | 2018 |
Effect of prestrain and deformation temperature on the recrystallization behavior of steels microalloyed with niobium B Dutta, EJ Palmiere Metallurgical and materials transactions A 34, 1237-1247, 2003 | 59 | 2003 |
Conditions for the occurrence of acicular ferrite transformation in HSLA steels H Zhao, BP Wynne, EJ Palmiere Journal of materials science 53, 3785-3804, 2018 | 58 | 2018 |
Effect of strain path on dynamic strain-induced transformation in a microalloyed steel L Sun, K Muszka, BP Wynne, EJ Palmiere Acta Materialia 66, 132-149, 2014 | 57 | 2014 |
Microstructural development in MnAl-base permanent magnet materials: New perspectives DP Hoydick, EJ Palmiere, WA Soffa Journal of applied physics 81 (8), 5624-5626, 1997 | 57 | 1997 |
Grain coarsening behaviour of solution annealed Alloy 625 between 600–800 C IJ Moore, JI Taylor, MW Tracy, MG Burke, EJ Palmiere Materials Science and Engineering: A 682, 402-409, 2017 | 55 | 2017 |
Texture development in oxide scales on steel substrates RL Higginson, B Roebuck, EJ Palmiere Scripta materialia 47 (5), 337-342, 2002 | 53 | 2002 |
The effect of strain path reversal on high-angle boundary formation by grain subdivision in a model austenitic steel L Sun, K Muszka, BP Wynne, EJ Palmiere Scripta Materialia 64 (3), 280-283, 2011 | 50 | 2011 |
Microstructural development of HP9/4/30 steel during partial remelting MZ Omar, HV Atkinson, EJ Palmiere, AA Howe, P Kapranos Steel research international 75 (8-9), 552-560, 2004 | 49 | 2004 |